Monthly Archives: October 2011

MODIS Snow/Cloud Discriminator Example

As part of the GOES-R Satellite Proving Ground, NASA MODIS data are being used to preview the kinds of snow detection capabilities that will become available from the GOES-R ABI.  The fading image example above demonstrates the MODIS Snow/Cloud Discriminator … Continue reading

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Snow Cover Representation in the Synthetic Imagery

Upon inspection of the synthetic infrared (10.35 micron) imagery from the NSSL WRF-ARW model: your attention may be drawn to the region of southwest Colorado since we see a region of cold brightness temperatures  that does not move and … Continue reading

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A known limitation of the observed and synthetic Fog Product

Let’s analyze the following loop of the synthetic fog product, generated from the 4-km NSSL WRF-ARW model: In this color table, grey into light blue represents increasing confidence in liquid water clouds.  Our example from the 0000 UTC 10 … Continue reading

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Synthetic Satellite Imagery in Temperature Forecasting

Synthetic satellite imagery can be useful in forecasting temperature.  This example from September 20-21, 2011 demonstrates the utility of synthetic imagery from the 4-km NSSL WRF-ARW model in forecasting the overnight low temperature. Focusing on southeast Wyoming, examine the synthetic … Continue reading

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