Monthly Archives: January 2012

ORI product for 18-20 December 2010 massive California rain event

A period of extremely heavy rain and massive higher elevation snow hit California and other portions of the West during mid-December 2010.  Here we take a look at the ORI product for a portion of this storm, concentrating on Central … Continue reading

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Low cloud/fog example from Boulder WFO case from AWIPS on 9 December 2010

GeoColor and Low cloud/Fog GOES-R Proving Ground imagery from CIRA has been available at the Boulder WFO for several years.  After feedback from the forecasters, recently GeoColor imagery without the city lights was added.  This example shows both types of … Continue reading

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Cloud over snow example on 30 November 2011 from Buffalo WFO using MODIS imagery

Buffalo WFO SOO David Zaff collected this imagery from one of the forecasters, Robert Hamilton, who sent him the following message: “I found it very interesting to see snow cover on the basic IR imagery late this afternoon, so I have attached both the IR … Continue reading

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Synthetic IR imagery showing fog/low clouds from BOU WFO on 8 November 2011

This example from the Boulder WFO shows the use of synthetic IR imagery generated from the 4-km horizontal grid resolution NSSL WRF model for predicting an area of fog and low clouds near the Denver International Airport (DIA) on the … Continue reading

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