Monthly Archives: December 2013

Orographic Cirrus of 18 December 2013

Orographic cirrus (i.e., mountain wave) clouds can have a significant influence on temperature forecasts, particularly during the cold season when a reduction in insolation can drastically affect temperatures during the daytime. On December 18, 2013 the CIRA synthetic 4-km NSSL-WRF … Continue reading

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Determining clouds from snow – an example from 5 Dec 2013

As winter continues to settle in across the nation and snow cover increases, an issue that arises is trying to see cloud cover over a snow pack during the daytime with visible satellite imagery, since both appear white.  Certainly looping … Continue reading

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Synthetic imagery for the 3 Dec 2013 fog/low cloud case

The previous blog entry discussed CIRA satellite imagery that can be useful in highlighting fog and low clouds.  These images utilize existing satellite imagery to create images that try to replicate those that will be available in the GOES-R era. … Continue reading

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Widespread Fog East of the Rockies – 3 Dec 2013

Widespread fog and low clouds covered much of the nation east of the Rockies 0n the morning of 3 Dec in the moist airmass ahead of the developing western storm and strong cold front that has since pushed south.  Dense … Continue reading

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