Monthly Archives: January 2014

A look at the 16 Jan 2014 dust storm in eastern Colorado using VIIRS imagery

Strong winds coupled with dry soil led to widespread blowing dust across the eastern plains of Colorado and areas east on Thursday 16 January 2014.  A short video clip shows the blowing dust obscuring visibilities in Logan County in far … Continue reading

Posted in Blowing Dust (Blue-light absorption technique), Blowing Dust Detection (Split-window technique), MODIS Snow/Cloud Discriminator | 1 Comment

Fog and Low Clouds in Eastern Colorado as seen with GeoColor and Day Night Band NPP VIIRS imagery on 20 Dec 2013

The Suomi NPP VIIRS Day/Night Band (DNB), which can use moonlight to produce visible-light imagery during the nighttime, offers a unique capability that is slated to continue on the JPSS constellation concurrent to the GOES-R era.  This presents intriguing potential … Continue reading

Posted in GeoColor Imagery, Uncategorized | 1 Comment