GOES-16 perspective of Leeside cold front and associated gravity waves – 30 October 2017

The GOES-16 data posted on this page are preliminary, non-operational data and are undergoing testing.  Users bear all responsibility for inspecting the data prior to use and for the manner in which the data are utilized.

On 30 October 2017 GOES-16 observed a leeside cold front with associated gravity waves in the vicinity of eastern New Mexico and the Texas panhandle moving southward.  GOES-16 water vapor bands along with 3.9 micron band are shown here:


The 3.9 micron band highlights the colder temperatures behind the cold front, while the 3 water vapor bands highlight the gravity waves associated with the leeside cold front.  For further reading on leeside cold fronts and associated gravity waves you may read the following articles:



How about a comparison between numerical simulation and GOES-16 observations?

The 4-km NSSL WRF-ARW model output from the 00Z 30 October run is shown below:


Top left) WRF synthetic 6.2 micron imagery

Top right) GOES-16 6.2 micron imagery (time matched with WRF)

Bottom left) WRF synthetic 6.95 micron imagery

Bottom right) GOES-16 6.95 micron imagery (time matched with WRF)

How well did the model capture the gravity waves associated with the leeside cold front?