Buzzard Fire, New Mexico

A fire has initiated in western New Mexico, denoted as the Buzzard Fire. Currently, the fire is burning within the Gila National Forest in Catron County, New Mexico. As of this morning, 24 May 2018, the fire has burned 4,500 plus acres. The cause of the fire is unknown and is under investigation. New Mexico has been experiencing very dry conditions and exhibits D1 to D4 (moderate to exceptional) drought conditions throughout the state. Refer to latest US Drought Monitor image of New Mexico below.

The Buzzard Fire has also been detected in the satellite imagery. In the GOES-16 3.9um infrared image (below), thermal anomalies (yellow to red colors) have been detected from the Buzzard Fire. Satellite image is taken at 0912Z, 24 May 2018 and is at a spatial resolution of 2 -kilometers.

Additionally, the fire has been seen via the Near-Constant Contrast (NCC) product, a derived product of the Day/Night Band (DNB), that illuminates atmospheric features, and senses emitted (i.e. lights from fires) and reflected light sources (i.e. clouds) during the nighttime. Product image was taken at 0910Z, 24 May 2018, and shows the emitted light produced from the Buzzard Fire, located west of Interstate – 25. Product spatial resolution is 750-meters.

For latest updates on the Buzzard Fire, refer to the ‘Active Fire Mapping Program’ website.