
<p>Quetions and answers concerned with Thunderstorms and Lightning.</p>

NCC monitoring severe weather during the nighttime

Monitoring severe weather during the nighttime can be challenging since GOES-16/17 is limited to infrared imagery during the overnight hours. In complement to geostationary data sets, polar-orbiting satellite data can be utilized, specifically the Near-Constant Contrast (NCC) product. For unfamiliar readers, NCC is a derived product of the Day/Night Band (DNB) that utilizes a sun/moon reflectance Continue Reading

GOES R Lightning POES Satellites Severe Weather

Lightning as Proxy for VIL and/or Echo Tops (ET)

J. Braun Here is a paper/discussion presented at this year’s 13th Conference on Aviation, Range, and Aerospace Meteorology by Haig Iskenderian (from MIT) titled, “Cloud-to-Ground Lightning as a Proxy for Nowcasts of VIL and Echo Tops.”  Although geared toward the aviation community, this inforamtion can be valuable to any WFO with forecasting/warning duties in their CWA in Continue Reading

Aviation Weather Convection Lightning RADAR Severe Weather Watches and Warnings