CSU/CIRA had 66 employees presenting a total of 77 oral and poster presentations at the American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting, held in New Orleans, Louisiana, 12–16 January 2025. CIRA also had a booth at the AMS Meeting, which attracted many conference participants.
(POC: R. Brummer, CIRA, Renate.Brummer@colostate.edu / Funding: NOAA, NASA, NSF, ONR).
The Regional and Mesoscale Meteorology Branch (RAMMB) of NOAA/NESDIS conducts research on the use of satellite data to improve analysis, forecasts and warnings for regional and mesoscale meteorological events. RAMMB is co-located with the Cooperative Institute for Research in the Atmosphere (CIRA) at Colorado State University in Fort Collins, CO.