Slider Release Notes

Here you’ll find information about the most recent updates of SLIDER.

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2022 Updates:

2022 (Click to open/close)


New Features

  • Added Country Labels, State/Province Labels, and U.S. County Labels as map overlays (in beta – please report any problems you notice!)



  • Fixed a bug where unhiding a product while paused would show that product at the last time it was visible instead of the current time
  • Fixed a bug where auto-refresh would not show the latest time when looping is paused


New Features

  • Upgraded SLIDER processing and website to new servers

2021 Updates:

2021 (Click to open/close)


New Features

  • Added colorbars for the following products:
    • Nighttime Microphysics (EUMETSAT) (Guide)
    • Day Snow/Fog (EUMETSAT/NASA SPoRT) (Guide)
    • Dust (EUMETSAT) (Guide)
    • Ash (EUMETSAT) (Guide)
    • SO2 – Sulfur Dioxide (JMA) (Guide)


New Features

  • Added an announcement feature to communicate important messages (outages, etc.) to SLIDER users


  • Fixed a bug where overlays missing images near the end of a loop would prevent the loop from starting


New Features

  • Updated labels of Day/Night Band: 0.7 µm products to “ERF-scaling” (formerly “Low Light Visible”) and “Near Constant Contrast”


New Features

  • Added an auto-refresh button which, when checked, will regularly check for new data and automatically load it when available
  • Added a new product for Polar SLIDER: Near Constant Contrast
  • Increased the number of images and/or time steps needed to trigger the warning message for large data requests based on user feedback


New Features

  • Added a warning message when users request large amounts of data so that the number of images and/or time steps can be adjusted for better performance


  • Fixed a bug where removing a product could crash SLIDER and disable the hide feature of other products


New Features

  • Added an “overzoom” feature to allow two extra zoom levels beyond the maximum imagery resolution for a given satellite/sector combination:


  • Fixed a bug where Safari users would see a very large missing image if a colorbar didn’t load that prevented zoom/move functionality


New Features

  • Added links to the new Release Notes page (this one!) and Twitter account


  • Fixed a bug where Firefox users couldn’t add text when using the drawing tool
  • Fixed a bug where text could still be added after the drawing tool was closed
  • Fixed a bug where the canvas drawing was using an outdated reference, resulting in image/animation downloads crashing if drawings existed


New Features

  • The Mouse Draw button will now open a menu allowing users to select from Pen, Arrow, Text, or Erase tools; the color and width settings have also moved to this new menu:
    • Arrow: Draw freely as your normally would, and when you release the mouse button an arrowhead will be drawn
    • Text: Click where you’d like the text to begin on the left (it will be vertically centered), enter text into the prompt, and your text will appear
    • Erase: Drag the mouse across the drawing you’d like to erase (Tip: increasing the drawing width will likely make this feature easier-to-use)
    • An example showing each new tool

  • New colorbars for a verity of products have been added


  • The “Switch to km/mi.” button is now visible if the user is zoomed out but has activated Query Lat/Lon so distance measurements can be toggled
  • If the sector changes and x/y values result in imagery that is entirely offscreen (e.g. manually changing the url from full_disk to mesoscale_01), SLIDER will return the imagery to its default position for that sector