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Regional and Mesoscale Meteorology Branch

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Utilizing GOES Imagery to Forecast Winter Storms – Part 1


Dan Bikos

John Weaver

Jeff Braun



Archived Training




Other contributors: Donald Moore, Robert Glancy, Ron Przybylinski, Steve Amburn, Michael Ekster, David Vallee, Dennis Gettman, Chad Hahn, Ned Johnston, Paul Skrbac, Mark Plate, Chad Gimmestad, Michael Staudenmaier, Dolores Kiessling, David Novak, Stephen Jascourt, Jeff Tongue, Dan Baumgardt, Tony Mostek, and Scott Lindstrom.


This session consists of two parts. Both parts must be completed to get a certificate of completion as there are different points made in each part. For the “Live VISIT teletraining,” the two parts are in different files. For the live training for part 2, please follow this link to Utilizing GOES Imagery to Forecast Winter Storms – Part 2.


  • Blend GOES imagery with other available AWIPS products to help improve forecast skill in precipitation associated with winter storms
  • Analyze case studies over various parts of the CONUS


  • Conveyor belt identification
  • Synoptic features (e.g. dry slot, short waves, jet streaks etc.)
  • Model divergence
  • Mesoscale banding
  • Topographic effects
  • Shear zones
  • Precipitation type (with other datasets)

Training Session Options

NOAA/NWS students – to begin the training, use the web-based videoYouTube video, or audio playback options below (if present for this session). Certificates of completion for NOAA/NWS employees can be obtained by accessing the session via the Commerce Learn Center

PLEASE NOTE: For the “Audio playback” version of this session, both of the 2 parts are contained in the same files linked to below. For the “Live VISIT teletraining,” the two parts are in different files. For the live training for part 2, please follow this link to Utilizing GOES Imagery to Forecast Winter Storms – Part 2. The link for Part 1 is below.

  1. Audio playback (recommended for low-bandwidth users) – This is an audio playback version in the form of a downloadable VISITview and can be taken at anytime.

    Create a directory to download the audio playback file (346 MB) from the following link:

    After extracting the files into that directory click on either the visitplay.bat or visitauto.bat file to start the lesson. If both files are present, use visitauto.bat

  2. YouTube video:

References/Additional Links

This course is Intermediate

The Cyclogenesis VISIT session is a prerequisite.


Dan Bikos

Page Contact

Unless otherwise noted, all content on the CIRA RAMMB: VISIT, SHyMet and VLab webpages are released under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.