Other contributors: Chris Velden, Dave Stettner, Jeff Key, Kris Bedka, Jaime Daniels, Kevin Schrab, Brian Gockel, David Miller
The objectives of this session are:
Review techniques for deriving satellite winds (Atmospheric Motion Vectors)
Provide details on AWIPS display of GOES High Density Winds
Highlight latest winds research activities
Training Session Options
Audio playback – This VISITview file contains recorded audio and annotations and can be taken at anytime. Certificates of completion for NOAA employees can be obtained through your Science Operation Officer or training point of contact. Create a directory, then download the audio playback file (it is about 274 MB in size) from the following site into that directory: ftp://rammftp.cira.colostate.edu/SHyMet/course_materials/winds_2006jan17_audio.exe OR ftp://ftp.ssec.wisc.edu/visit/winds_2006jan17_audio.exe After extracting the files into that directory click on the visitplay.bat file to start the lesson.
References/Additional Links
Velden, et al., 2005: Recent Innovations in Deriving Tropospheric Winds from Meteorological Satellites, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society: Vol. 86, No. 2, pp. 205-223.
Bedka and Mecikalski, 2005: Application of Satellite-Derived Atmospheric Motion Vectors for Estimating Mesoscale Flow, Journal of Applied Meteorology: Vol. 44, No. 11, pp. 1761-1772.
GOES High Density Winds and Derived Products: Atlantic | Pacific (CIMSS Tropical Cyclones)