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2022 AMS CMM Short Course

Joint Satellite Data Lake ApplicationsThese are links for the 2022 AMS Collective Madison Meeting (CMM) Satellite Short Course.

  • Sunday, 7 August 2022 from 800AM – 345PM CDT.
  • Short Course materials and links will be added as the course date approaches.
  • All times are in Central Daylight Time (CDT). Note, Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) is 5-hours ahead of CDT.


800AM: Coffee, network and prepare for hands-on

830AM: Introductions, connect with those who are virtual and in-person (Sherrie Morris / Gary McWilliams)

840AM: GOES-R Series and JPSS Satellite Data, Products and Capabilities (Dr. Andy Heidinger / Dr. Satya Kalluri)

910AM: Satellite Lake Data and Products (Scott Lindstrom / Andrea VanderWoude / Mark Kulie / Rachel Albrecht)

1010AM: Break

1025AM: Lake Products: Lake surface temperatures, algal blooms, meteotsunamis (Andrea VanderWoude / Scott Lindstrom)

1100AM: Case Studies Hands-on Exercises: Lake surface temperatures, algal blooms, meteotsunamis (Andrea VanderWoude / Scott Lindstrom)

1200PM: Lunch

100PM: Convective Initiation and Thunderstorms Over the Lakes (Rachel Albrecht)

130PM: Case Studies Hands-on Exercises: Convective Initiation and Thunderstorms Over the Lakes (Rachel Albrecht / Scott Lindstrom)

230PM: Compare/Contrast Lake Products in WMO RA III and WMO RA IV

300PM: Participant groups present results of hands-on exercises

330PM: Wrap up and Survey (Sherrie Morris / Gary McWilliams)

345PM: End of Course

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