SHyMet Tropical Course


This course was developed in the pre GOES-R era and contains dated information. Although some of the principles may still be applied in the GOES-R era, these are no longer supported training courses and are made available here as reference material. Be sure to check the link to “SHyMet Courses” for current, supported courses.

The Tropical track of the Satellite Hydrology and Meteorology (SHyMet) Course will cover satellite imagery interpretation and application of satellite derived products in the tropics as well as the models used at NHC for tropical cyclone forecasting. There are two sessions that provide an overview of the models used by NHC in forecasting tropical cyclone track and intensity. There is a session on basic satellite interpretation in the tropics, including easterly wave identification and other forecast concerns in the tropics. Other topics include an understanding of the Dvorak method in tropical cyclone analysis, use of satellite derived products such as eTRaP for landfalling tropical cyclone rainfall prediction, VIIRS applications for tropical cyclones and Total Precipitable Water (TPW) products. An introduction to ASCAT winds is covered as well. This course will be administered through web-based instruction and will consist of approximately 6 hours of instructional content. Course completion consists of taking 7 of the 9 training modules, however you may take all of the modules if you wish. If you are unsure about which modules not to take, we recommend the eTRaP and Morphed TPW Detection (MIMIC) to be optional.

If you wish to register for the course, send an email to:
nws.oaa.clo.shymet AT
In the email, be sure to include your name and your office (site ID).

After you’ve registered via email, we will reply to you with setup instructions on how to signup for this course which will be delivered through the E-Learning Management System (LMS). 

Training Modules

Title Topic Instructor Developed Updated Length (min) WMO Sat Skill(s)
An Overview of Tropical Cyclone Track Guidance Models used by NHC Tropical Course



60 Min

An Overview of Tropical Cyclone Intensity Guidance Models used by NHC Severe Course



65 Min

Basic Satellite Imagery Interpretation in the Tropics Tropical/Sat

Dan Bikos


60 Min

Ensemble Tropical Rainfall Potential (eTRaP) Tropical

Dan Bikos



18 Min

Satellite Applications for Tropical Cyclones: Dvorak Technique Forecaster Course



90 Min

Use of VIIRS imagery for Tropical Cyclone Forecasting Tropical/Sat

John Knaff, Galina Chirokova


12 Min

Morphed TPW Detection (MIMIC) Archived Training

Scott Lindstrom


45 Min

ASCAT Winds Archived Training

Ross Van Til



34 Min

Blended TPW Products Archived Training

Ross Van Til



19 Min

Tropical SHyMet – Objectives

The primary objective of the Tropical SHyMet course is to combine various training tropics related to forecasting in the tropics into one course. The course consists of recently updated training sessions that primarily deal with use of satellite imagery and products, although there are two lessons that cover an overview of the models used at NHC in tropical cyclone forecasting. Since the training content is entirely web-based, the student may take the training whenever they wish.

We invite all forecasters to participate in the tropical SHyMet course. Individual training sessions from the tropical course may be taken (as opposed to the entire course) to review various content.

Learning Objectives:
  1. Increase skill in satellite interpretation in the tropics.
  2. Learn how to use satellite derived products in the tropics and recognize their strengths and weaknesses.
  3. Understand the use of NHC models used in tropical cyclone forecasting.
Tropical SHyMet – Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need to take a quiz for each lesson completed?

Yes. You will need to take a quiz and achieve a passing score.

I am not in a Tropical Region, can I still signup for the Tropical SHyMet course?

Yes, you may signup for the tropical SHyMet course regardless of where you are located.

Is the SHyMet for Interns course a prerequisite to the Tropical SHyMet course?

No. However, if you wish to review any content from the SHyMet for interns course, you may either take the whole interns course OR take individual training sessions from the interns course.

Can I take an individual lesson rather than all of the lessons in the Tropical SHyMet course (Learning Path)?

Yes. However, you will not receive credit for completion of the Tropical SHyMet course.

Do I need to take each lesson in a particular order?


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