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Regional and Mesoscale Meteorology Branch

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AMS 2022 Virtual Satellite Short Course

Using GOES-R and JPSS Remote Sensing Capabilities to Enhance Weather, Climate, Water and Environmental Security

These are links for the 2022 AMS Satellite Short Course (16-17 February 2022)

  • Short Course materials and links will be added as the course date approaches.
  • Contact Jorel Torres ( or Sherrie Morris ( for any questions related to the material on the website.
  • All times are in Eastern Standard Time (EST). Note, Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) is 5-hours ahead of EST.


Day 1 – Wednesday, 16 February 2022

1100am: Introduction of students and presenters. Summary of Planned Activities, discussing both GEO and Polar (Sherrie Morris / Gary McWilliams)

1110am: NOAA’s role in optimizing the use of satellite information (Mitch Goldberg)

1200pm: Introduction to Heavy Precipitation and Flooding Products, Diagnoses and Effects (William Straka)

1240pm: 10-Minute Break

1250pm: Hands-On Exercises of Heavy Precipitation and Flooding Products (Scott Lindstrom)

150pm: 10-Minute Break

200pm: Hands-On Guided Analyses of Case Study (Scott Lindstrom)

250pm: Question & Answer, preparation for Day 2 (Gary McWilliams & Sherrie Morris)

300pm: End of Day 1

Day 2 – Thursday, 17 February 2022

1100am: Detection and Characterization of Fires & Smoke from ABI and VIIRS (Ivan Csiszar)

1200pm: 10-Minute Break

1210pm: Hands-On Exercises with Python: Tracking the Explosive Growth of the Caldor Fire on 16-17 Aug 2021 using ABI and VIIRS Level 2 Fire Products (Amy Huff)

  • Presentation
  • 1210pm: Introduction to ABI and VIIRS Level 2 Data Files
  • 1230pm: Download ABI Level 2 Data Files from AWS (Hands-On with Python)
  • 100pm: Open and Explore the Contents of ABI and VIIRS Data Files (Hands-On with Python)
  • 140pm: 10-Minute Break
  • 150pm: Process and Visualize ABI and VIIRS Level 2 Fire Products for the Caldor Fire (Hands-On with Python)
  • Access to Post Training Materials

230pm: Linking the topics – flash flooding from burn scars, how to mitigate different scales of data (All Instructors)

250pm: Satellite launches, wrap up and evaluation (Gary McWilliams & Sherrie Morris)

300pm: End of Short Course

Page Contact

Bernie Connell


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