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VISIT Satellite Help Desk

The VISIT Satellite Help Desk is the place where NWS forecasters can ask satellite related questions. After submitting a question, a subject matter expert will reply within a reasonable time. The forum is searchable so that an archive of question and answers may be utilized to help answer your question and provide a learning experience for the community.

To access the VISIT Satellite Help Desk:

Go to the NOAA Virtual Lab homepage:

Login with your NOAA LDAP ID (email address minus the “”)

Once you are logged in, go to this page:

Go to the “Question and Answer” Forum

Question categories in the Satellite Help Desk are based on phenomena. Subject matter experts will answer satellite specific (i.e., GOES-R, JPSS, GOES Sounder etc.) questions that you have.

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Unless otherwise noted, all content on the CIRA RAMMB: VISIT, SHyMet and VLab webpages are released under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.