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JPSS Imagery for Users

Webpage Updated: 19 November 2024

Near-Real Time Data Links

VIIRS Imagery & ProductsSatellite Derived SoundingsFire & Smoke ApplicationsHydrology ApplicationsDB: JPSS Imagery and DatafilesOceans / Lakes
CIMSS: VIIRS Imagery ViewerNASA SPoRT Viewer: Gridded NUCAPS (Alaska)RealEarth: VIIRS Day Land Cloud Fire RGB ImageryGlobal Flood Products (Archive) and SNPP/NOAA-20 VIIRS Flood ImagesMiami DB: ImageryRealEarth: 5-km Geo-Polar SST Imagery
CIRA RAMMB SLIDER – JPSS Sectors: CONUS, Alaska (Northern Hemisphere) , and Southern HemisphereNUCAPS / HEAP Global MapReal Earth: VIIRS Fire Radiative Power (I-Band)ALPW (every 3 hours): CONUS, ALASKA/N-PACIFIC/CONUS, SOUTH AMERICA sectors; ALPW Hourly Data (CONUS) and Global Domain; ALPW – Archive.CIMSS DB: SNPPSSEC: VIIRS Sea Ice Products
CIRA: VIIRS Cloud Vertical Cross Sections for Aviation Users and Custom Flight PathsRealEarth: Gridded NUCAPSRealEarth: VIIRS Aerosol Optical Depth (AOD) data (Alaska sector)CIRA SLIDER – CrIS Water Vapor Channels: Northern Hemisphere and Southern Hemisphere.GINA DB: Alaska VIIRS and AMSR2 dataOMPS Data: (Alaska)
JSTAR Mapper: VIIRS Green Vegetation Fraction (GVF)NASA SPoRT Viewer: Gridded NUCAPS (CONUS)AerosolWatch: (JPSS/GOES) Satellite Aerosol Product ImageryGINA: VIIRS Flood Product (Alaska sector)GINA: Alaska DB Satellite Data PortalNOAA CoastWatch Data Portal
NASA Worldview: Nighttime Visible ImageryNOAA OSPO: VIIRS Aerosol ProductsNOAA OSPO: Blended TPW and Percent of Normal TPW. CIRA SLIDER – Blended TPW: CONUS, Northern Hemisphere, and Southern Hemisphere.CIMSS DB: NOAA-20GINA DB: Cryosphere – MIRS & VIIRS Products (Alaska)
NASA Worldview: VIIRS True Color Imagery JSTAR Mapper: VIIRS Active Fire ImageryNOAA OSPO: Blended Rain RateNOAA OSPO: MIRS Products Monitoring
NOAA OSPO: VIIRS Volcanic Ash and VIIRS Cloud Products RealEarth: VIIRS Fire Temperature RGB Imagery (750-m) and at 375-mCMORPH2 1-Day Precip AccumulationNOAA NESDIS STAR: Polar and GEO SST Imagery and Archive
NOAA STAR: 4-km Blended Vegetation Health (VH) Products (1982-present) and 1-km VIIRS & Blended VH Products (2013 -present) ESRL: HRRR-Smoke Cross SectionsRealEarth: MIRS Rain Rate SSEC: Polar Winds from VIIRS and other sensors plus DB data
RAMSDIS OnlineESRL: HRRR-Smoke ProductsSFR (CONUS) , mSFR (CONUS) and SFR (Alaska)GINA: VIIRS Snow/Cloud Discriminator
RealEarth: VIIRS I-4 Imagery (Alaska) NODD: VIIRS Flood Map – 1 and 5 Day Composites  OSPO: AMSR-2 Product Maps
RealEarth: VIIRS NDVI Imagery VIIRS Snowmelt RGB: CONUS and Alaska 
VIIRS Today: USA Composites MIMIC TPW (CONUS) and (Alaska Region) 
CIMSS: Satellite Flood Products

Acronyms and Additional Resources


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