FDTD Satellite Applications Webinars
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These webinars are peer-to-peer learning with staff from WFOs, National Centers, CWSUs, and RFCs leading the presentations. The presentations are short (less than 30 minutes) and offer recent in-season examples ready to apply operationally. The primary objective of these webinars are to share how to apply GOES imagery with other datasets for a specific operational application so that other WFO’s learn how to do this.
Title | Date | Brief Summary |
A Not-So-Elevated Supercell from Eastern Iowa to the Chicago Area on 4 April 2023 | 2024 04 17 |
Peter Speck discusses an intense supercell thunderstorm with largely elevated characteristics that formed early on the morning of 04 April 2023 in southeast Iowa, and thereafter took a 200+ mile long track that included parts of two major metropolitan areas over the next seven hours. This supercell alone produced significant severe weather along much of its path, including a swath of over 150 large hail reports ranging from one to nearly four inches in diameter, severe wind gusts reaching 90 MPH, and multiple short-lived tornadoes. For such a long-lived storm, the meteorological impetus for this development was subtle, with possibly gravity waves playing a role. Satellite analysis was one means that may have helped identification of these, and this will be explored. |
The 29 September 2023 New York City Metro Flash Flood Event: A successful WPC-WFO collaboration from outlook to warnings | 2024 01 10 |
Dave Radell and Andrew Orrison discuss the excellent forecast collaboration between WPC and WFO New York (OKX) that resulted in a well-placed Moderate Risk of excessive rainfall and flood watch over New York City the day prior to the 29 September 2023 flash flood event. While impacts across the NYC metro were significant, no fatalities were reported. This presentation will examine the challenging forecasts and messaging leading up to the event, along with a focus on satellite information used at WPC for generation of the Mesoscale Precipitation Discussions (MPDs), and at WFO New York, NY for flash flood warning issuance. |
A Climatologically Rare November Morning Hailstorm in Southwest Lower Michigan: Using the Airmass RGB to Diagnose an Intense, Localized PV Intrusion | 2023 12 13 |
T.J. Turnage discusses a thunderstorm complex that produced hail up to 1.5 inches in diameter just north of Grand Rapids, MI on the morning of November 6, 2023. This is a very rare time to experience severe weather in Lower Michigan and this particular event turned out to be the only severe weather of the day across the entire CONUS. The GOES-East Airmass RGB provided a clear depiction of a sharp, narrow PV intrusion that quickly contributed a significant amount of shear and conditional instability to Southwest Lower Michigan, making conditions much more favorable for severe weather. This case illustrates how the Airmass RGB might be used to identify situations in which environments could rapidly change to become supportive of severe thunderstorms. |
A Convective Application of Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Winds Over Lake Superior on 5 September 2023 | 2023 10 4 |
Patrick Ayd discusses the severe convective event of September 5, 2023 over western Lake Superior. As a line of convection was propagating across the western third of Lake Superior, a SAR Wind pass sampled the line of convection. The timing of where the convection was over the lake and the SAR pass also coincided with in-situ wind measurements on the tug-barge Dirk S. VanEnkevort with a gust to 61 kts recorded and relayed in near real time to NWS Duluth operations via communications with the NWS Great Lakes Port Meteorological Officer (PMO). Mesoanalysis, radar and satellite analysis of the event will be presented, and future applications of polar orbiting needs for the Weather Forecast Office (WFO) will be discussed. |
An Operational Review of the 1 May 2023 Localized Blowing Dust Event Across South-Central Illinois | 2023 06 28 |
James Auten and Marshall Pfahler discuss a blowing dust event in Illinois from 1 May 2023. Two narrow plumes of blowing dust in south-central Illinois resulted in localized near-zero visibilities, causing multiple vehicle accidents and pile ups on I-55 near the Sangamon-Montgomery County line involving 72 vehicles in total with seven fatalities and 37 injuries. These plumes of blowing dust emanated from freshly tilled and planted farm fields with unseasonably dry soils, carried downwind by northwesterly winds gusting from 35 to 45 mph. This presentation will discuss the antecedent conditions, synoptic-scale weather pattern, application of the GOES-16 Dust RGB product, and warning/advisory product decisions along with a comparison to another localized blowing dust event on 2 May in the same area. |
An Unusual Mid-Winter HSLC Event Across Northern Ohio on January 19, 2023 | 2023 03 23 |
Doug Kahn discusses the 19 January 2023 High CAPE Low Shear severe thunderstorm event over northern Ohio. On January 19, 2023, a potent, closed upper-level low and associated surface cold front moved east across the Lower Great Lakes region. A line of low-topped thunderstorms developed along the cold front during the afternoon and evening hours in an HSLC environment. Although no tornadoes occurred, multiple wind damage reports were noted across northern Ohio. This presentation analyzes surface observations and satellite imagery to evaluate forecast and nowcast difficulties in a wintertime, HSLC environment. |
Satellite Applications of the Intense Lake-Effect Snow Event of November 17-20, 2022 | 2023 02 8 |
Dave Zaff discusses the epic lake-effect snow event that occurred between November 17-20, 2022. Some areas received over six feet of snow over the four day period. All of this was captured by satellite without cirrus obscuring the view. This presentation will look at various satellite enhancements, applications, and tools that help identify convective features applied to lake intense effect snow bands, many of which are typically observed during summer convection. |
Use of the Modified SHERBE Parameter To Identify Tornadic HSLC Environments – An Examination of the 21 October 2021 Event over OH / PA | 2022 10 12 |
Doug Kahn discusses the 21 October 2021 tornado event over northeast Ohio with a specific focus on utilizing the Modified SHERBE parameter. Origins of the SHERBE and Modified SHERBE will also be discussed, in addition to circumstances where it may or may not prove useful. Satellite and surface observations will also be analyzed, to serve as additional nowcasting tools for similar, future events. |
Fires on the Southern Plains April 5-7, 2022 | 2022 05 11 |
Melissa Beat discusses a series of wildland fires in the southern Great Plains that were not associated with a typical fire outbreak setup. Yet there were numerous fires over these 3 days that burned over 50k acres. Satellite imagery was used these days to identify fires and other hazards, leading to lifesaving DSS activities for the partners and public. |
A Review of the December 2021 Northern Utah Snow Squalls | 2022 02 23 |
Intense snow squalls developed across northern Utah on 26-27 December 2021, impacting travel across the region including along the Wasatch Front, where 80% of the state’s population resides. A review of the mesoscale setup as well as convective evolution will be presented for both cases, including the use of satellite imagery to help track these convective lines through complex terrain with reduced radar coverage. Additionally, data on road conditions and the impact to travel will be presented for the December 27th event, which occurred during the evening commute. |
Post Tropical Depression Ida: Forecasting and messaging a high impact event with the aid of satellite | 2022 02 9 |
Dave Radell and Brian Haines discuss the meteorological and hydrological ingredients that combined to create the severe weather, heavy rainfall, and devastating flooding that occurred during the afternoon and evening of September 1, 2021. The track of Ida right over the heavily populated northeast I-95 metropolitan area coupled with other larger-scale features only exacerbated the impacts. The presentation will cover both office perspectives of the storm, with special emphasis placed on satellite analysis. |
Utilizing GOES as an Incident Meteorologist | 2022 02 2 |
Derek Williams discusses utilizing GOES imagery while deployed to some of the nation’s largest and destructive wildfires as an incident meteorologist in 2021. There are many aspects and several phases of a fire that at times can significantly impact firefighter safety and operations. Extracting value from GOES imagery at different stages of the fire and conferring impacts and threats to the Incident Management Teams and associated personnel deployed to fires can aid in more efficient use of firefighting resources as well as maintain safety for all incident personnel. In addition, Derek will discuss the Bootleg Fire and Caldor Fire and how GOES was utilized on each incident. |
Operational Use of NUCAPS in the Tropical Western Pacific | 2022 01 20 |
randon Aydlett and Nicholas Slaughter discuss operational uses of NUCAPS in the Tropical Western Pacific. With only 6 RAOB sites in the region, NUCAPS profiles fill in the void, both spatially and in time with NUCAPS data being received 3-6 hours after RAOB soundings. Assessment of profiles in NSharp, or even the quick-look pop-up Skew-T, provides forecasters with extra insight in the changing convective patterns of tropical disturbances or the convectively-inhibiting trade-wind inversions. Additionally, gridded NUCAPS data available both in AWIPS and via the NASA SPoRT (Short-term Prediction Research and Transition Center) web viewer provide forecasters a plan-view option to assess NUCAPS data by pressure level and pressure layer. |
Utilizing GLM for Marginally Severe Convective Events | 2021 12 8 |
Linda Gilbert discusses GLM products for maginally severe events that occurred in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan during the 2020 convective season. Can GLM products enhance warning operations during marginally severe events, and if so, how? This exploration has already begun to provide inspiration on how to apply and expand GLM incorporation as well as other lightning data into the mesoanalysis process! |
Analysis of Two Lake Enhanced Snow Events Along the Tennessee River | 2021 11 17 |
Matt Anderson discusses two lake enhanced snow events that occurred downwind of Lake Wheeler along the Tennessee River in late 2020. Meteorological variables including vertical temperature profiles, surface temperatures, water temperatures, and wind direction will be examined to determine if proven thresholds, found in the Great Lakes, can be applied to smaller scale lakes. The processes including thermally-direct circulations, convection due to low-level instability, and convergence due to differential friction will also be analyzed. Finally, an overview of the meteorological setup and event analysis is discussed with special attention paid to the interpretation of radar and satellite imagery. |
An Operational Review of the Historic Waverly, TN Flash Flooding | 2021 09 22 |
Matt Reagan and Brendan Schaper discuss the historic flooding event of August 21, 2021, the deadliest flash flood on record in Middle Tennessee. An event of this magnitude is uniquely challenging to predict and an even greater challenge to communicate. Through observational data and model output, forecasters at the National Weather Service in Nashville, Tennessee identified a stationary boundary with an exceptional moisture profile as the potential focus for heavy rainfall. Radar and satellite data during the event, such as the Multi-Radar/Multi-Sensor System (MRMS), provided important details that allowed forecasters to issue a Flash Flood Emergency across a four-county area Saturday morning. A preliminary review of model performance, radar, and satellite observations suggest that the combination of forecaster interpretation and information available before and on August 21st were paramount in detection, warning, and communicating the life-threatening situation. |
Forecasting Heavy Rainfall in American Samoa with no Radar | 2021 09 8 |
Dora Meredith discusses the challenges of forecasting heavy rainfall in American Samoa without the benefit of radar data. With the lack of radar technology, the WSO Pago Pago staff relies heavily on satellite observations, upper air soundings, and model data to run its operations. GFS potential temperatures and relative humidity patterns, as well as the Galvez-Davison Index model output are found to be dependable tools for forecasting heavy rainfall conditions in the tropical region. These conditions include: abundant atmospheric moisture, a lifting mechanism, and instability. For this presentation, we will focus on utilizing MMIC Total Precipitable Water and other satellite features in combination with model data to assess and forecast the aforementioned conditions for American Samoa. |
A Retrospective Satellite Analysis of the 8 February 2021 Florida Keys Dense Sea Fog Event | 2021 08 24 |
William Churchill discusses a sea fog event in the Florida Keys from February 8th, 2021. Sea fog is a relatively rare event for the Florida Keys, however a stronger than normal SST gradient combined with a decaying cold front came together resulting in sea fog. Multiple satellite imagery and products are discussed highlighting their operational utility. |
Operational use of scatterometry in an otherwise data-sparse tropical western Pacific | 2021 08 2 |
Brandon Aydlett discusses the use of scatterometry data at WFO Guam. Scatterometry data, for years, has proven invaluable in assessing daily and regional winds, better highlighting areas with winds exceeding hazardous levels for small craft, many of which are small single-engine boats, small sailboats, or even canoes. Additionally, in a region accustomed to seeing nearly 20 tropical cyclones annually, scatterometry data provides actionable data that complements global models, which often struggle in pre-formation stages of tropical cyclones. |
Utilizing NUCAPS for Supplemental Observations in a Convective Environment | 2021 06 16 |
Kaitlin Rutt summarizes the use of NUCAPS data for a severe thunderstorm event in west Texas on 3 May 2021. NUCAPS sounding profiles, with the help of surface observations, revealed an environment capable of supporting supercells. Gridded NUCAPS data showed a favorable airmass that storms formed in, with steep lapse-rates and large theta-e. |
A Satellite & Radar-Based Analysis of the 26 March 2021 Middlebury, Vermont EF-1 Tornado Environment | 2021 05 27 |
Peter Banacos and Brooke Taber discuss the 26 March 2021 Middlebury, VT EF-1 tornado event. The focus is on satellite tools useful in tracking the EML, a dryslot, and mid-tropospheric synoptic forcing, including the GOES-16 7.3 μm lower-level water vapor imagery, and the experimental polar-orbiter based advected layer precipitable water (ALPW) product. Also, the QLCS evolution will be examined via GOES-16 visible and 10.3 μm clean-IR window imagery, and compared with convective trends observed via dual-pol radar products from Burlington, VT (KCXX) and Fort Drum, NY (KTYX). |
NWS Central Region Remote Mesoanalyst Proof of Concept: The 17 March 2021 Tornado Event in Southwest Missouri | 2021 05 5 |
Pat Spoden, Jason Schaumann, and Corey Mead discuss the role the newly implemented remote mesoanalyst played in providing support for the NWS Springfield, MO weather forecast office on 17 March 2021. Through assessment of various datasets, including satellite, radar, surface observation, and objective-analysis fields, the remote mesoanalyst group briefed NWS Springfield on the increasing potential for tornadoes. Based, in part, on that dialog, NWS Springfield was able to preemptively issue a tornado warning on a storm that went on to produce a tornado. Radar setting strategies and tornado warning concepts provided by the NWS Central Region Tornado Warning Improvement Project Team will also be discussed. |
Use of NUCAPS Soundings in Mesoanalysis on a Conditional Severe Risk Day | 2021 04 7 |
Alex Edwards discusses the use of NUCAPS sounding data on a conditional severe risk day. Integrating NUCAPS into the convective mesoanalysis process helped change the operational tempo of WFO BIS that afternoon when it detected substantially less convective inhibition than that morning’s model guidance had previously produced. NUCAPS is best for more broad trends as well as analyzing mid to upper level lapse rates, subsidence and drying, capping properties etc. |
The Use of Lightning and the NOAA/CIMSS ProbSevere Model in Tornado Detection Over the Mid-Atlantic | 2021 03 24 |
Trent Davis discusses the use of Lightning data along with the NOAA/CIMSS ProbSevere model in tornado cases over the Mid-Atlantic region. Lightning can serve as a useful aid in warning operations. Recognizing trends from lightning and ProbSevere along with radar data may help identify severe/tornadic storms. Lightning may also provide longer lead times than radar alone. |
MIMIC-TPW for Winter Applications | 2021 03 17 |
Dave Zaff discusses the role of the MIMIC-TPW product in winter weather forecasting. Two cases are considered with differing amounts of moisture as seen from MIMIC-TPW, the utility of the product is illustrated in the forecast process. |
GOES-East Cloud Top Signatures of Weakly Forced Snow Events | 2021 01 6 |
Dan Baumgardt discusses the appearance of stratus clouds composed of supercooled liquid water droplets within an Arctic airmass. Results from field experiments show that there is a stratification of cloud phase in weakly forced, Arctic environments so that cloud tops may remain supercooled longer even while the interior of the cloud is glaciated. |
The Great Lakes Mesovortex of December 30-31, 2017. Diagnosing the Evolution through Satellite Imagery and Local Modeling. | 2020 12 9 |
Nathan Marsili discusses a mesovortex over the western Great Lakes during the cold air outbreak of 30-31 December 2017. NWP output and satellite imagery is analyzed to help assess the factors responsible for mesovortex formation and evolution. The question of how these factors can be anticipated in an operational environment is also discussed. |
Forecasting and Communications Challenges Associated with the 25 February 2020 Narrow Heavy Snow Band in Central Kansas | 2020 11 4 |
Kelly Butler and Chris Jakub discuss the forecasting and communication challenges associated with a narrow heavy snow band event from 25 February 2020. Forecasting challenges include the role of various satellite imagery and products that were useful for mesoanalysis. Communication challenges include how to reach out to people for such a localized but high impact event such as this. |
The Importance of Mesoanalysis in the WFO: May 22nd 2020 Tornadoes | 2020 10 14 |
Randy Bowers discusses the critical importance of mesoanalysis during a severe weather event. Satellite imagery was particularly helpful and allowed for a play by play in NWS chat with core partnership, highlighting timing, threat area, and threat magnitude. |
Thunderstorms, Smoke, and Fire | 2020 09 9 |
Mike Stavish discusses a fire event with nearby convection in northern California. GOES-West RGB data helped to distinguish smoke and pyrocumulus from thunderstorms that posed a threat to fire operations. |
Incorporating GOES Products into Short Fuse Hydrologic Warning Decisions | 2020 08 12 |
Derrick Snyder discusses a significant flash flood event in Calloway County, KY that was observed thanks to very handy mesonet data, 1-min GOES imagery that showed rapidly cooling cloud tops, a large uptick in GLM FED activity, and dual pol KDP. |
Satellite Observations of an Earlier-than-Forecast, Explosive Convective Initiation | 2020 07 8 |
Dan Baumgardt discusses a severe weather event that began earlier than forecast from 2 June 2020. A review of satellite products and signals most helpful in diagnosing mesoscale features and convective initiation are covered. |
Use of low-level water vapor imagery in diagnosing the elevated mixed layer | 2020 06 17 |
John Stoppkotte discusses how the low-level water vapor imagery was useful in understanding and predicting where convection would fire in a case from March 2020. |
Moving Toward Situational Awareness with the GLM | 2020 04 22 |
Jason Jordan describes how WFO Lubbock has integrated GLM into their warning decision making and suggestions for GLM Situational Awareness Displays. |
Utilizing GLM in the Severe Warning Process | 2020 03 11 |
Ashley Ravenscraft and Kris White from NWS WFO Huntsville, AL describe the use of GLM data for two recent cold season severe weather episodes. In one of the events, GLM data factored heavily into the warning decisions for severe convection, including tornado warnings, when the primary radar (KHTX) failed. |
The 18 December 2019 NYC Snow Squall Event | 2020 03 4 |
Michael Jurewicz and Dave Radell discuss an event where snow squall warnings were issued in PA and NY. An overview of the meteorological setup and event analysis is presented, with special attention paid to interpretation from both geostationary and polar satellite data. |
From a Pyrocumulus to a Severe Thunderstorm: An Environmental Analysis of an Anomalous Southern Plains Wildfire | 2020 02 5 |
Kaitlin Rutt discusses a Southern Plains fire that led to Pyrocumulus and eventually a severe thunderstorm. GOES imagery, lightning, radar and videos are examined to follow the transition from pyrocumulus to a severe thunderstorm with associated 1.0 inch hail and severe wind reports. |
Comparison of Impacts between the 1997 and 2018 Ohio River Floods in Southwestern Indiana | 2019 11 6 |
Derrick Snyder discusses two major flood events that impacted the lower Ohio River Valley. Satellite imagery and products from the 2018 flood event are shown. This event partially led the Paducah WFO to implement new tools for significant river flooding events. |
Use of GOES-East Composite RGB Imagery and GLM Data in the Ohio Valley | 2019 10 16 |
Ryan Sharp discusses the GOES ABI RGB imagery and GLM data to 1) Help pinpoint surface features for DSS purposes and 2) Aid warning forecaster confidence in warning decision making. |
Modifying RGB Imagery on the Fly in AWIPS | 2019 09 24 |
Bill Line outlines opportunities to improve RGB usefulness on the fly for some of the GOES RGB products. Understanding why making RGB modifications in AWIPS on the fly is discussed along with limitations. |
Issuing Warnings with No Radar | 2019 08 21 |
David Levin summarizes the 27 June 2019 event for southeast Alaska in which the Juneau WFO issued their first ever severe thunderstorm warning. Radar data was not available for this event due to beam blockage and distance from the radar site. This presentation shows the data and the thought process that went into the decision making. |
Superior, WI Husky Refinery Explosion NWS Duluth Response | 2019 07 17 |
Joe Moore summarizes the response by the NWS WFO in Duluth, MN to an explosion at a nearby refinery. Monitoring GOES-16 imagery played a role in monitoring the plume from the refinery. Lessons learned on the response for what went well and where improvements could be made are provided. |
Nocturnal Wildfire Smoke Tracking using GOES-16 | 2019 06 12 |
Kevin Huyck investigates experimental GOES RGB products to assess nighttime detection of smoke from GOES. Smoke can be tracked at night, under clear conditions and also utilizing daytime imagery before nightfall. More development is needed with potential for new products. |
The Above Anvil Cirrus Plume: An Important Indicator of a Severe Storm in Visible and IR Imagery | 2019 06 5 |
Kris Bedka summarizes important findings from a recent Weather and Forecasting journal article on the Above Anvil Cirrus Plume (AACP) signature. AACP storms are much more intense than other storms, generating a higher fraction of reported severe weather and the vast majority of significant hail and tornadoes (2+ inch and EF2+ respectively). |
New Applications of GOES-17 Imagery in Volcanic Plume Detection for the VAAC/Alaska Region | 2019 04 24 |
Doug Wesley summarizes the use of new GOES-17 imagery to detect volcanic plumes. The primary case study is the Bezyimanny volcanic eruption of 16 March 2019. The Ash and SO2 RGB products from GOES-17 are highlighted, but also compared with GOES-15 to illustrate the major improvements since the inception of GOES-17. |
Applications of GOES-17 Data in Fog Forecasting for Anchorage, AK | 2019 03 20 |
Doug Wesley summarizes the use of new GOES-17 information to help define the coverage and evolution of a shallow fog event over and near the Anchorage/Cook Inlet area on 26 February 2019. This includes applications of derived product imagery in helping forecasters determine the formation, extent and dissipation of the shallow fog over a relatively data-sparse area. |
GOES-16 Identification of Blowing Snow | 2019 02 6 |
Carl Jones discusses using the Day Snow-Fog RGB from GOES-16 for identification of blowing snow. Several examples of blowing snow are shown along with possible explanations as to why it is being detected by GOES-16 and advantages and disadvantages of using this RGB to monitor blowing snow. |
A GOES-16 Perspective on a Fatal Snow Squall Event | 2018 12 12 |
Kristen Cassady and Ashley Novak discuss snow squall warnings and the event of 8 March 2018. GOES-16 Band 8 is useful in identifying and tracking PV anomalies / PV tropopause folds. GOES-16 band 13 and daytime cloud phase distinction RGB have utility in monitoring snow squalls. |
Erie PA Lake-Effect Snow event |
Bob LaPlante and Zach Sefcovic discuss the 25-26 December 2017 lake-effect snow event that impacted the Erie, PA vicinity. GOES-16 imagery was particularly useful due to beam overshooting by the 2 nearest WSR-88Ds. A number of GOES-16 RGB products were helpful in identifying the lake-effect snow bands. |
Utilizing Radar and Satellite to Provide Meaningful Lightning Initiation and Cessation Information for Effective Decision-making | 2018 09 26 |
Pete Wolf discusses a methodology to successfully forecast (short-term) CG lightning initiation and cessation. These include environmental knowledge, access to real-time satellite and radar data, knowledge of data issues/biases, and knowledge of how lightning is produced in thunderstorms. The key GOES tools using this approach are the GLM and Day Cloud Phase Distinction RGB. |
Satellite Training and Operations Resource (STOR) | 2018 07 18 |
Frank Alsheimer discusses the Satellite Training and Operations Resource found on the NOAA Virtual Lab. The discussion highlights how this web resource came about, along with where to find various types of satellite related training on the STOR page, as well as where to ask satellite related questions. |
Wildland Fire Notifications for Impact-Based Decision Support Services in Oklahoma | 2018 05 23 |
Todd Lindley discusses a notification system for wildland fires utilized for decision support services. Feedback on the system is highlighted along with ideas as a prototype for a possible future NWS fire warning program. |
Day Cloud Phase Distinction RGB Composite: Gaining Situational Awareness for DSS | 2018 04 25 |
Chad Gravelle discusses the Day Cloud Phase Distinction RGB composite. A brief description is followed by an applied example as a proof of concept for DSS. |
Expanding DSS in Central California by Using GOES-16/17 for Fire and Fog Identification | 2018 04 11 |
Kris Mattarochia discusses operational applications of GOES-16 imagery and products for Fire and Fog identification in central California. |
Interesting GOES-16 Observations: The Sea Breeze, and Wildfires | 2018 03 21 |
Pete Wolf discusses GOES-16 visible band examples of the sea breeze along the Florida coastline. Also, the advantages of using the GeoColor product for smoke plume identification is discussed. |
Heavy Snow Event in North Carolina of 17 January 2018 | 2018 03 7 |
Gail Hartfield and Frank Alsheimer discuss operational applications of GOES-16 single band and RGB imagery for the 17 January 2018 heavy snow event in North Carolina. In addition, products derived from polar orbiting instruments were also reviewed. |
A First Look at GLM in AWIPS | 2018 02 24 |
Chad Gravelle discusses the Flash Extent Density product from the GOES Geostaionary Lightning Mapper (GLM) in AWIPS. A brief description is followed by a case that compares GLM with ENTL Total Flash Density, MRMS reflectivity (lowest altitude), IR/VIS sandwich product and VIS. |
Convective Initiation | 2018 02 21 |
Ariel Cohen discusses operational applications of GOES-16 imagery as applied to Convective Initiation. GOES-16 usage for Convective Initiation in a case with relatively weak ascent is compared with a case for relatively stronger ascent. |
Creating Color Tables in AWIPS | 2018 02 7 |
Mike Baker discusses reasons to create new satellite color tables then summarizes the procedure for editing the color table in AWIPS. He also discusses where to find additional customized color tables from the field, and where to submit color tables you’ve created so that they are available to the community. |
GOES-16 new capabilities for the tropical forecasting and analysis at NHC/TAFB | 2018 01 24 |
Nelsie Ramos discusses various satellite products to monitor and tracking tropical waves, including the SAL, DUST, Pseudo-Natural, GeoColor RGBs. In addition the low-level water vapor and LPW imagery is used in tandem with IR channel 13. Other hazards such as offshore convection monitoring with the Lightning Density product and fog advisories with the FLS and GeoColor RGB products are discussed. |
Utilizing GOES-16 Data in the Desert Southwest | 2018 01 10 |
Stan Czyzyk discusses the benefits of increased spatial and temporal resolution of GOES-16 towards applications of blowing dust events, wildfires, and enhanced convection. Parallax and improved collaboration for mesoscale sector requests are also discussed. |
North Bay Wildfires of October 2017 | 2017 12 7 |
Matt Mehle discusses the historic October 2017 wildfire event in the North Bay of California. GOES-16 imagery and products were used for first detection and alerting to fires. |
Experimental GOES-16 Applications for a Flooding Event in the Northeastern U.S. | 2017 11 30 |
Christina Speciale and Neil Stuart discuss a flood event from 7 July 2017 thaat affected the Northeast U.S. GOES-16 imagery, radar data and SPC mesoanalyses were critical to situational awareness that led to flood warnings prior to observed flooding. |
Dispelling the myth of Random Convection | 2017 10 25 |
Kevin Laws discusses a local study that includes analyses that help dispel the misconception of random, pop-up thunderstorm occurence. This presentation will describe some of the preferred locations for summertime convection and provide detailed statistics of autoconvective and boundary interactions to aid forecasters in the often difficult, short term forecast process. |
GOES-16 applications for convection over the southeast US | 2017 10 11 |
Frank Alsheimer provides a scenario-based presentation for a typical summer convective forecast over the southeast. GOES-16 cloud and moisture imagery (CMI), channel difference products, baseline products and RGBs are demonstrated for operational applications in the convective forecast. |
Operational Observations from the GLM and LMA | 2017 09 27 |
Brian Carcione looks at GOES-16 ABI and GLM imagery for trends in Hurricane Harvey in Texas and a tornado event in northern Alabama during the same time period. The GLM is compared with local LMAs and the comparison appeared favorable. |
GOES-16 Convective Strategies | 2017 08 16 |
Patrick Ayd demonstrated the role of GOES-16 imagery combined with other datasets during the forecast and nowcast period on a severe weather day. 1-minute imagery provides additional situational awareness, visible and Day cloud phase RGB were used for convective initiation. During the event, the imagery aids in the larger scale convective scenario, avoiding tunnel vision on a single portion of your CWA, and potentially reallocating staffing/warning sectors. |
NHC discussion of GOES-16 Imagery for Current Tropical Cyclone Activity | 2017 08 1 |
Jack Bevan and Mark DeMaria discuss a variety of GOES-16 imagery applications for tropical cyclone analysis. This includes various RGB products, the influence of GOES-16 on the Dvorak Technique, 1-minute imagery and the GLM. |
Fog / low cloud / moisture gradient applications of the Nighttime Microphysics RGB product | 2017 07 26 |
Kris White shows how the GOES-16 Nighttime Microphysics RGB can be used to identify low cloud features such as fog and low stratus and offers better contrast than legacy imagery. Also, the Nighttime Microphysics RGB can be used to help identify areas of contrasting low-level moisture. |
Smoke and Dust applications of the Geocolor product | 2017 07 12 |
Dan Lindsey highlights the GOES-16 GeoColor product in identification of smoke and dust. |
Memphis Derecho of 27 May 2017 | 2017 06 28 |
Andy Chiuppi looked at the role of GOES-16 imagery combined with other datasets in forecasting a high impact Derecho event in the Memphis area. |
Blowing Dust in Montana | 2017 06 14 |
Paul Nutter discusses brightness temperature difference fields in GOES-16 IR bands that allow for 24 hour dust monitoring. |
GOES-16 Water Vapor bands orographic applications | 2017 05 24 |
Greg Guillot highlights GOES-16 water vapor imagery to clearly show a wave that led to severe turbulence west of Denver International Airport. The imagery was used to decide to close departure gates. Becca Mazur looked at GOES-16 water vapor channels to analyze a mountain wave that led to strong winds near the Laramie Range. The imagery aided in the forecast problem of determining the timing of onset of strong winds in wind prone areas along major roads. |
Hail Swaths observed with GOES-16 | 2017 05 10 |
Paul Schlatter demonstrates utility of the snow/ice (1.6 micron) band to identify hail streaks on the ground. The 3.9 micron band also provides useful information. |
GOES-16 Split Window Difference Product | 2017 04 26 |
Phil Schumacher discusses the Split Window Difference (SWD) Product. SWD is affected by both moisture and emitting temperature. Gradients of the SWD can show moisture boundaries. |