FDTD Webinars
- FDTD Webinar List
- VISIT Homepage
- A Climatologically Rare November Morning Hailstorm in Southwest Lower Michigan: Using the Airmass RGB to Diagnose an Intense, Localized PV Intrusion
- A Convective Application of Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Winds Over Lake Superior on 5 September 2023
- A First Look at GLM in AWIPS
- A GOES-16 Perspective on a Fatal Snow Squall Event
- A Not-So-Elevated Supercell from Eastern Iowa to the Chicago Area on 4 April 2023
- A Retrospective Satellite Analysis of the 8 February 2021 Florida Keys Dense Sea Fog Event
- A Review of the December 2021 Northern Utah Snow Squalls
- A Satellite & Radar-Based Analysis of the 26 March 2021 Middlebury, Vermont EF-1 Tornado Environment
- An Operational Review of the 1 May 2023 Localized Blowing Dust Event Across South-Central Illinois
- An Operational Review of the Historic Waverly, TN Flash Flooding
- An Unusual Mid-Winter HSLC Event Across Northern Ohio on January 19, 2023
- Analysis of Two Lake Enhanced Snow Events Along the Tennessee River
- Applications of GOES-17 Data in Fog Forecasting for Anchorage, AK
- Blowing Dust in Montana
- Comparison of Impacts between the 1997 and 2018 Ohio River Floods in Southwestern Indiana
- Convective Initiation
- Creating Color Tables in AWIPS
- Day Cloud Phase Distinction RGB Composite: Gaining Situational Awareness for DSS
- Dispelling the myth of Random Convection
- Erie PA Lake-Effect Snow event
- Expanding DSS in Central California by Using GOES-16/17 for Fire and Fog Identification
- Experimental GOES-16 Applications for a Flooding Event in the Northeastern U.S.
- Fires on the Southern Plains April 5-7, 2022
- Fog / low cloud / moisture gradient applications of the Nighttime Microphysics RGB product
- Forecasting and Communications Challenges Associated with the 25 February 2020 Narrow Heavy Snow Band in Central Kansas
- Forecasting Heavy Rainfall in American Samoa with no Radar
- From a Pyrocumulus to a Severe Thunderstorm: An Environmental Analysis of an Anomalous Southern Plains Wildfire
- GOES-16 applications for convection over the southeast US
- GOES-16 Convective Strategies
- GOES-16 Identification of Blowing Snow
- GOES-16 new capabilities for the tropical forecasting and analysis at NHC/TAFB
- GOES-16 Split Window Difference Product
- GOES-16 Water Vapor bands orographic applications
- GOES-East Cloud Top Signatures of Weakly Forced Snow Events
- Hail Swaths observed with GOES-16
- Heavy Snow Event in North Carolina of 17 January 2018
- Incorporating GOES Products into Short Fuse Hydrologic Warning Decisions
- Interesting GOES-16 Observations: The Sea Breeze, and Wildfires
- Issuing Warnings with No Radar
- Memphis Derecho of 27 May 2017
- MIMIC-TPW for Winter Applications
- Modifying RGB Imagery on the Fly in AWIPS
- Moving Toward Situational Awareness with the GLM
- New Applications of GOES-17 Imagery in Volcanic Plume Detection for the VAAC/Alaska Region
- NHC discussion of GOES-16 Imagery for Current Tropical Cyclone Activity
- Nocturnal Wildfire Smoke Tracking using GOES-16
- North Bay Wildfires of October 2017
- NWS Central Region Remote Mesoanalyst Proof of Concept: The 17 March 2021 Tornado Event in Southwest Missouri
- Operational Observations from the GLM and LMA
- Operational Use of NUCAPS in the Tropical Western Pacific
- Operational use of scatterometry in an otherwise data-sparse tropical western Pacific
- Post Tropical Depression Ida: Forecasting and messaging a high impact event with the aid of satellite
- Satellite Applications of the Intense Lake-Effect Snow Event of November 17-20, 2022
- Satellite Observations of an Earlier-than-Forecast, Explosive Convective Initiation
- Satellite Training and Operations Resource (STOR)
- Smoke and Dust applications of the Geocolor product
- Superior, WI Husky Refinery Explosion NWS Duluth Response
- The 18 December 2019 NYC Snow Squall Event
- The 29 September 2023 New York City Metro Flash Flood Event: A successful WPC-WFO collaboration from outlook to warnings
- The Above Anvil Cirrus Plume: An Important Indicator of a Severe Storm in Visible and IR Imagery
- The Great Lakes Mesovortex of December 30-31, 2017. Diagnosing the Evolution through Satellite Imagery and Local Modeling.
- The Importance of Mesoanalysis in the WFO: May 22nd 2020 Tornadoes
- The Use of Lightning and the NOAA/CIMSS ProbSevere Model in Tornado Detection Over the Mid-Atlantic
- Thunderstorms, Smoke, and Fire
- Use of GOES-East Composite RGB Imagery and GLM Data in the Ohio Valley
- Use of low-level water vapor imagery in diagnosing the elevated mixed layer
- Use of NUCAPS Soundings in Mesoanalysis on a Conditional Severe Risk Day
- Use of the Modified SHERBE Parameter To Identify Tornadic HSLC Environments – An Examination of the 21 October 2021 Event over OH / PA
- Utilizing GLM for Marginally Severe Convective Events
- Utilizing GLM in the Severe Warning Process
- Utilizing GOES as an Incident Meteorologist
- Utilizing GOES-16 Data in the Desert Southwest
- Utilizing NUCAPS for Supplemental Observations in a Convective Environment
- Utilizing Radar and Satellite to Provide Meaningful Lightning Initiation and Cessation Information for Effective Decision-making
- Wildland Fire Notifications for Impact-Based Decision Support Services in Oklahoma
Other Webinars
FDTD Webinars
- FDTD Webinar List
- VISIT Homepage
- A Climatologically Rare November Morning Hailstorm in Southwest Lower Michigan: Using the Airmass RGB to Diagnose an Intense, Localized PV Intrusion
- A Convective Application of Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Winds Over Lake Superior on 5 September 2023
- A First Look at GLM in AWIPS
- A GOES-16 Perspective on a Fatal Snow Squall Event
- A Not-So-Elevated Supercell from Eastern Iowa to the Chicago Area on 4 April 2023
- A Retrospective Satellite Analysis of the 8 February 2021 Florida Keys Dense Sea Fog Event
- A Review of the December 2021 Northern Utah Snow Squalls
- A Satellite & Radar-Based Analysis of the 26 March 2021 Middlebury, Vermont EF-1 Tornado Environment
- An Operational Review of the 1 May 2023 Localized Blowing Dust Event Across South-Central Illinois
- An Operational Review of the Historic Waverly, TN Flash Flooding
- An Unusual Mid-Winter HSLC Event Across Northern Ohio on January 19, 2023
- Analysis of Two Lake Enhanced Snow Events Along the Tennessee River
- Applications of GOES-17 Data in Fog Forecasting for Anchorage, AK
- Blowing Dust in Montana
- Comparison of Impacts between the 1997 and 2018 Ohio River Floods in Southwestern Indiana
- Convective Initiation
- Creating Color Tables in AWIPS
- Day Cloud Phase Distinction RGB Composite: Gaining Situational Awareness for DSS
- Dispelling the myth of Random Convection
- Erie PA Lake-Effect Snow event
- Expanding DSS in Central California by Using GOES-16/17 for Fire and Fog Identification
- Experimental GOES-16 Applications for a Flooding Event in the Northeastern U.S.
- Fires on the Southern Plains April 5-7, 2022
- Fog / low cloud / moisture gradient applications of the Nighttime Microphysics RGB product
- Forecasting and Communications Challenges Associated with the 25 February 2020 Narrow Heavy Snow Band in Central Kansas
- Forecasting Heavy Rainfall in American Samoa with no Radar
- From a Pyrocumulus to a Severe Thunderstorm: An Environmental Analysis of an Anomalous Southern Plains Wildfire
- GOES-16 applications for convection over the southeast US
- GOES-16 Convective Strategies
- GOES-16 Identification of Blowing Snow
- GOES-16 new capabilities for the tropical forecasting and analysis at NHC/TAFB
- GOES-16 Split Window Difference Product
- GOES-16 Water Vapor bands orographic applications
- GOES-East Cloud Top Signatures of Weakly Forced Snow Events
- Hail Swaths observed with GOES-16
- Heavy Snow Event in North Carolina of 17 January 2018
- Incorporating GOES Products into Short Fuse Hydrologic Warning Decisions
- Interesting GOES-16 Observations: The Sea Breeze, and Wildfires
- Issuing Warnings with No Radar
- Memphis Derecho of 27 May 2017
- MIMIC-TPW for Winter Applications
- Modifying RGB Imagery on the Fly in AWIPS
- Moving Toward Situational Awareness with the GLM
- New Applications of GOES-17 Imagery in Volcanic Plume Detection for the VAAC/Alaska Region
- NHC discussion of GOES-16 Imagery for Current Tropical Cyclone Activity
- Nocturnal Wildfire Smoke Tracking using GOES-16
- North Bay Wildfires of October 2017
- NWS Central Region Remote Mesoanalyst Proof of Concept: The 17 March 2021 Tornado Event in Southwest Missouri
- Operational Observations from the GLM and LMA
- Operational Use of NUCAPS in the Tropical Western Pacific
- Operational use of scatterometry in an otherwise data-sparse tropical western Pacific
- Post Tropical Depression Ida: Forecasting and messaging a high impact event with the aid of satellite
- Satellite Applications of the Intense Lake-Effect Snow Event of November 17-20, 2022
- Satellite Observations of an Earlier-than-Forecast, Explosive Convective Initiation
- Satellite Training and Operations Resource (STOR)
- Smoke and Dust applications of the Geocolor product
- Superior, WI Husky Refinery Explosion NWS Duluth Response
- The 18 December 2019 NYC Snow Squall Event
- The 29 September 2023 New York City Metro Flash Flood Event: A successful WPC-WFO collaboration from outlook to warnings
- The Above Anvil Cirrus Plume: An Important Indicator of a Severe Storm in Visible and IR Imagery
- The Great Lakes Mesovortex of December 30-31, 2017. Diagnosing the Evolution through Satellite Imagery and Local Modeling.
- The Importance of Mesoanalysis in the WFO: May 22nd 2020 Tornadoes
- The Use of Lightning and the NOAA/CIMSS ProbSevere Model in Tornado Detection Over the Mid-Atlantic
- Thunderstorms, Smoke, and Fire
- Use of GOES-East Composite RGB Imagery and GLM Data in the Ohio Valley
- Use of low-level water vapor imagery in diagnosing the elevated mixed layer
- Use of NUCAPS Soundings in Mesoanalysis on a Conditional Severe Risk Day
- Use of the Modified SHERBE Parameter To Identify Tornadic HSLC Environments – An Examination of the 21 October 2021 Event over OH / PA
- Utilizing GLM for Marginally Severe Convective Events
- Utilizing GLM in the Severe Warning Process
- Utilizing GOES as an Incident Meteorologist
- Utilizing GOES-16 Data in the Desert Southwest
- Utilizing NUCAPS for Supplemental Observations in a Convective Environment
- Utilizing Radar and Satellite to Provide Meaningful Lightning Initiation and Cessation Information for Effective Decision-making
- Wildland Fire Notifications for Impact-Based Decision Support Services in Oklahoma
Other Webinars
GOES-16 Water Vapor bands orographic applications
The GOES-16 data posted on this page are preliminary, non-operational data and are undergoing testing. Users bear all responsibility for inspecting the data prior to use and for the manner in which the data are utilized.