FDTD Webinars
- FDTD Webinar List
- VISIT Homepage
- A Climatologically Rare November Morning Hailstorm in Southwest Lower Michigan: Using the Airmass RGB to Diagnose an Intense, Localized PV Intrusion
- A Convective Application of Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Winds Over Lake Superior on 5 September 2023
- A First Look at GLM in AWIPS
- A GOES-16 Perspective on a Fatal Snow Squall Event
- A Not-So-Elevated Supercell from Eastern Iowa to the Chicago Area on 4 April 2023
- A Retrospective Satellite Analysis of the 8 February 2021 Florida Keys Dense Sea Fog Event
- A Review of the December 2021 Northern Utah Snow Squalls
- A Satellite & Radar-Based Analysis of the 26 March 2021 Middlebury, Vermont EF-1 Tornado Environment
- An Operational Review of the 1 May 2023 Localized Blowing Dust Event Across South-Central Illinois
- An Operational Review of the Historic Waverly, TN Flash Flooding
- An Unusual Mid-Winter HSLC Event Across Northern Ohio on January 19, 2023
- Analysis of Two Lake Enhanced Snow Events Along the Tennessee River
- Applications of GOES-17 Data in Fog Forecasting for Anchorage, AK
- Blowing Dust in Montana
- Comparison of Impacts between the 1997 and 2018 Ohio River Floods in Southwestern Indiana
- Convective Initiation
- Creating Color Tables in AWIPS
- Day Cloud Phase Distinction RGB Composite: Gaining Situational Awareness for DSS
- Dispelling the myth of Random Convection
- Erie PA Lake-Effect Snow event
- Expanding DSS in Central California by Using GOES-16/17 for Fire and Fog Identification
- Experimental GOES-16 Applications for a Flooding Event in the Northeastern U.S.
- Fires on the Southern Plains April 5-7, 2022
- Fog / low cloud / moisture gradient applications of the Nighttime Microphysics RGB product
- Forecasting and Communications Challenges Associated with the 25 February 2020 Narrow Heavy Snow Band in Central Kansas
- Forecasting Heavy Rainfall in American Samoa with no Radar
- From a Pyrocumulus to a Severe Thunderstorm: An Environmental Analysis of an Anomalous Southern Plains Wildfire
- GOES-16 applications for convection over the southeast US
- GOES-16 Convective Strategies
- GOES-16 Identification of Blowing Snow
- GOES-16 new capabilities for the tropical forecasting and analysis at NHC/TAFB
- GOES-16 Split Window Difference Product
- GOES-16 Water Vapor bands orographic applications
- GOES-East Cloud Top Signatures of Weakly Forced Snow Events
- Hail Swaths observed with GOES-16
- Heavy Snow Event in North Carolina of 17 January 2018
- Incorporating GOES Products into Short Fuse Hydrologic Warning Decisions
- Interesting GOES-16 Observations: The Sea Breeze, and Wildfires
- Issuing Warnings with No Radar
- Memphis Derecho of 27 May 2017
- MIMIC-TPW for Winter Applications
- Modifying RGB Imagery on the Fly in AWIPS
- Moving Toward Situational Awareness with the GLM
- New Applications of GOES-17 Imagery in Volcanic Plume Detection for the VAAC/Alaska Region
- NHC discussion of GOES-16 Imagery for Current Tropical Cyclone Activity
- Nocturnal Wildfire Smoke Tracking using GOES-16
- North Bay Wildfires of October 2017
- NWS Central Region Remote Mesoanalyst Proof of Concept: The 17 March 2021 Tornado Event in Southwest Missouri
- Operational Observations from the GLM and LMA
- Operational Use of NUCAPS in the Tropical Western Pacific
- Operational use of scatterometry in an otherwise data-sparse tropical western Pacific
- Post Tropical Depression Ida: Forecasting and messaging a high impact event with the aid of satellite
- Satellite Applications of the Intense Lake-Effect Snow Event of November 17-20, 2022
- Satellite Observations of an Earlier-than-Forecast, Explosive Convective Initiation
- Satellite Training and Operations Resource (STOR)
- Smoke and Dust applications of the Geocolor product
- Superior, WI Husky Refinery Explosion NWS Duluth Response
- The 18 December 2019 NYC Snow Squall Event
- The 29 September 2023 New York City Metro Flash Flood Event: A successful WPC-WFO collaboration from outlook to warnings
- The Above Anvil Cirrus Plume: An Important Indicator of a Severe Storm in Visible and IR Imagery
- The Great Lakes Mesovortex of December 30-31, 2017. Diagnosing the Evolution through Satellite Imagery and Local Modeling.
- The Importance of Mesoanalysis in the WFO: May 22nd 2020 Tornadoes
- The Use of Lightning and the NOAA/CIMSS ProbSevere Model in Tornado Detection Over the Mid-Atlantic
- Thunderstorms, Smoke, and Fire
- Use of GOES-East Composite RGB Imagery and GLM Data in the Ohio Valley
- Use of low-level water vapor imagery in diagnosing the elevated mixed layer
- Use of NUCAPS Soundings in Mesoanalysis on a Conditional Severe Risk Day
- Use of the Modified SHERBE Parameter To Identify Tornadic HSLC Environments – An Examination of the 21 October 2021 Event over OH / PA
- Utilizing GLM for Marginally Severe Convective Events
- Utilizing GLM in the Severe Warning Process
- Utilizing GOES as an Incident Meteorologist
- Utilizing GOES-16 Data in the Desert Southwest
- Utilizing NUCAPS for Supplemental Observations in a Convective Environment
- Utilizing Radar and Satellite to Provide Meaningful Lightning Initiation and Cessation Information for Effective Decision-making
- Wildland Fire Notifications for Impact-Based Decision Support Services in Oklahoma
Other Webinars
FDTD Webinars
- FDTD Webinar List
- VISIT Homepage
- A Climatologically Rare November Morning Hailstorm in Southwest Lower Michigan: Using the Airmass RGB to Diagnose an Intense, Localized PV Intrusion
- A Convective Application of Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Winds Over Lake Superior on 5 September 2023
- A First Look at GLM in AWIPS
- A GOES-16 Perspective on a Fatal Snow Squall Event
- A Not-So-Elevated Supercell from Eastern Iowa to the Chicago Area on 4 April 2023
- A Retrospective Satellite Analysis of the 8 February 2021 Florida Keys Dense Sea Fog Event
- A Review of the December 2021 Northern Utah Snow Squalls
- A Satellite & Radar-Based Analysis of the 26 March 2021 Middlebury, Vermont EF-1 Tornado Environment
- An Operational Review of the 1 May 2023 Localized Blowing Dust Event Across South-Central Illinois
- An Operational Review of the Historic Waverly, TN Flash Flooding
- An Unusual Mid-Winter HSLC Event Across Northern Ohio on January 19, 2023
- Analysis of Two Lake Enhanced Snow Events Along the Tennessee River
- Applications of GOES-17 Data in Fog Forecasting for Anchorage, AK
- Blowing Dust in Montana
- Comparison of Impacts between the 1997 and 2018 Ohio River Floods in Southwestern Indiana
- Convective Initiation
- Creating Color Tables in AWIPS
- Day Cloud Phase Distinction RGB Composite: Gaining Situational Awareness for DSS
- Dispelling the myth of Random Convection
- Erie PA Lake-Effect Snow event
- Expanding DSS in Central California by Using GOES-16/17 for Fire and Fog Identification
- Experimental GOES-16 Applications for a Flooding Event in the Northeastern U.S.
- Fires on the Southern Plains April 5-7, 2022
- Fog / low cloud / moisture gradient applications of the Nighttime Microphysics RGB product
- Forecasting and Communications Challenges Associated with the 25 February 2020 Narrow Heavy Snow Band in Central Kansas
- Forecasting Heavy Rainfall in American Samoa with no Radar
- From a Pyrocumulus to a Severe Thunderstorm: An Environmental Analysis of an Anomalous Southern Plains Wildfire
- GOES-16 applications for convection over the southeast US
- GOES-16 Convective Strategies
- GOES-16 Identification of Blowing Snow
- GOES-16 new capabilities for the tropical forecasting and analysis at NHC/TAFB
- GOES-16 Split Window Difference Product
- GOES-16 Water Vapor bands orographic applications
- GOES-East Cloud Top Signatures of Weakly Forced Snow Events
- Hail Swaths observed with GOES-16
- Heavy Snow Event in North Carolina of 17 January 2018
- Incorporating GOES Products into Short Fuse Hydrologic Warning Decisions
- Interesting GOES-16 Observations: The Sea Breeze, and Wildfires
- Issuing Warnings with No Radar
- Memphis Derecho of 27 May 2017
- MIMIC-TPW for Winter Applications
- Modifying RGB Imagery on the Fly in AWIPS
- Moving Toward Situational Awareness with the GLM
- New Applications of GOES-17 Imagery in Volcanic Plume Detection for the VAAC/Alaska Region
- NHC discussion of GOES-16 Imagery for Current Tropical Cyclone Activity
- Nocturnal Wildfire Smoke Tracking using GOES-16
- North Bay Wildfires of October 2017
- NWS Central Region Remote Mesoanalyst Proof of Concept: The 17 March 2021 Tornado Event in Southwest Missouri
- Operational Observations from the GLM and LMA
- Operational Use of NUCAPS in the Tropical Western Pacific
- Operational use of scatterometry in an otherwise data-sparse tropical western Pacific
- Post Tropical Depression Ida: Forecasting and messaging a high impact event with the aid of satellite
- Satellite Applications of the Intense Lake-Effect Snow Event of November 17-20, 2022
- Satellite Observations of an Earlier-than-Forecast, Explosive Convective Initiation
- Satellite Training and Operations Resource (STOR)
- Smoke and Dust applications of the Geocolor product
- Superior, WI Husky Refinery Explosion NWS Duluth Response
- The 18 December 2019 NYC Snow Squall Event
- The 29 September 2023 New York City Metro Flash Flood Event: A successful WPC-WFO collaboration from outlook to warnings
- The Above Anvil Cirrus Plume: An Important Indicator of a Severe Storm in Visible and IR Imagery
- The Great Lakes Mesovortex of December 30-31, 2017. Diagnosing the Evolution through Satellite Imagery and Local Modeling.
- The Importance of Mesoanalysis in the WFO: May 22nd 2020 Tornadoes
- The Use of Lightning and the NOAA/CIMSS ProbSevere Model in Tornado Detection Over the Mid-Atlantic
- Thunderstorms, Smoke, and Fire
- Use of GOES-East Composite RGB Imagery and GLM Data in the Ohio Valley
- Use of low-level water vapor imagery in diagnosing the elevated mixed layer
- Use of NUCAPS Soundings in Mesoanalysis on a Conditional Severe Risk Day
- Use of the Modified SHERBE Parameter To Identify Tornadic HSLC Environments – An Examination of the 21 October 2021 Event over OH / PA
- Utilizing GLM for Marginally Severe Convective Events
- Utilizing GLM in the Severe Warning Process
- Utilizing GOES as an Incident Meteorologist
- Utilizing GOES-16 Data in the Desert Southwest
- Utilizing NUCAPS for Supplemental Observations in a Convective Environment
- Utilizing Radar and Satellite to Provide Meaningful Lightning Initiation and Cessation Information for Effective Decision-making
- Wildland Fire Notifications for Impact-Based Decision Support Services in Oklahoma
Other Webinars
A Climatologically Rare November Morning Hailstorm in Southwest Lower Michigan: Using the Airmass RGB to Diagnose an Intense, Localized PV Intrusion
T.J. Turnage discusses a thunderstorm complex that produced hail up to 1.5 inches in diameter just north of Grand Rapids, MI on the morning of November 6, 2023. This is a very rare time to experience severe weather in Lower Michigan and this particular event turned out to be the only severe weather of the day across the entire CONUS. The GOES-East Airmass RGB provided a clear depiction of a sharp, narrow PV intrusion that quickly contributed a significant amount of shear and conditional instability to Southwest Lower Michigan, making conditions much more favorable for severe weather. This case illustrates how the Airmass RGB might be used to identify situations in which environments could rapidly change to become supportive of severe thunderstorms.