
35 Min


This session covers the characteristics of the Advanced Scatterometer, or ASCAT, instrument aboard EUMETSAT’S MetOp-A satellite. ASCAT data became available in AWIPS with the version released in February 2009 (OB9). The coverage and biases of the ocean vector winds retrieved by ASCAT will be assessed. Also, comparisons between ASCAT data and QuikSCAT data will be made. Finally, a warning decision will be presented to illustrate effective utilization of ASCAT data for marine operations.

Training Topics:

  • Understand how ASCAT works.
  • Assess strengths and weaknesses of ASCAT wind retrievals.
  • Identify contrasts between between ASCAT and QuikSCAT data.
  • Understand how to best use ASCAT data operationally.

Training Session Options:

  1. Web-based Video training session
    Note: Be sure to have your speakers on and the volume loud enough to hear the presentation.
This course is Basic

This Course has no Prerequisites

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