Uses of VIIRS Imagery

Scott Lindstrom

25 Min


This short lesson details ways in which VIIRS data can complement the better temporal resolution of GOES-R Series data. Specifically, it discussed how Day Night Band imagery can be used to find low-level circulation centers at night, how Moonglint can aid in wind analyses, how near-infrared data can help with river flooding estimates. Fog Detection and Fire Detection are also discussed.

Training Session Options:

NOAA/NWS students – to begin the training, use the web-based video, YouTube video, or audio playback options below (if present for this session). Certificates of completion for NOAA/NWS employees can be obtained by accessing the session via the Commerce Learning Center.

  1. Web-based video
  2. MP4 video
  3. YouTube video:

References / Additional Links:

Talking points are available for this lesson and may be printed out to easily review the session in detail at any time.


Scott Lindstrom

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