Comparing NWP Synthetic / Simulated Satellite Imagery to Observed Satellite Imagery

Dan Bikos, Dan Lindsey, Lewis Grasso


10 Min


This module is part of the satellite foundational course for GOES-R (SatFC-G). This particular module covers simulated / synthetic satellite imagery. Learning objectives include 1) Understand the generation, display and limitations of synthetic / simulated imagery, 2) Introduce how the use of synthetic / simulated satellite imagery from NWP can aid in the forecast process of cloud cover,low cloud / fog, convection and extra-tropical cyclogenesis, 3) How to verify synthetic / simulated satellite imagery with GOES-R imagery.

Since the size of this module is greater than 100 MB, we recommend that you utilize either the Download video OR YouTube version below.

Training Session Options:

NOAA/NWS students – to begin the training, use the web-based video, YouTube video, or audio playback options below (if present for this session). Certificates of completion for NOAA/NWS employees can be obtained by accessing the session via the Commerce Learning Center.

  1. Web-based video that can be taken at anytime (streamed, not recommended for low-bandwidth users). Be sure to have your speakers on and the volume loud enough to hear the presentation.
  2. YouTube video:
  1. Download video (recommended for low-bandwidth users) – This is an audio playback version in the form of an Articulate Presenter video and can be taken at anytime. Create a directory to download the video file from the following link: After extracting the files into that directory click on either the presentation.html OR index.html file and the video will begin to play in your browser.

Original Pre-Launch Version

This version of the training module debuted in the Fall of 2016 which included Himawari and pre-GOES-R era GOES imagery. Formats include:

References / Additional Links:

Grasso, L.D., D.T. Lindsey, K. Lim, A. Clark, and D. Bikos, 2014: Evaluation of and Suggested Improvements to the WSM6 Microphysics in WRF-ARW Using Synthetic and Observed GOES-13 Imagery. Monthly Weather Review, 142:10, 3635-3650.

Talking points are available for this lesson and may be printed out to easily review the session in detail at any time.

Powerpoint file

VISIT training: Synthetic Imagery in Forecasting Severe Weather

VISIT training: Synthetic Imagery in Forecasting Orographic Cirrus

VISIT training: Synthetic Imagery in Forecasting Low Clouds and Fog

VISIT training: Synthetic Imagery in Forecasting Cyclogenesis

Bikos, D., Lindsey, D.T., Otkin, J., Sieglaff, J., Grasso, L., Siewert, C., Correia Jr., J., Coniglio, M., Rabin, R., Kain, J.S., and S. Dembek, 2012: Synthetic Satellite Imagery For Real-Time High Resolution Model Evaluation. Wea. Forecasting,27,784-795.

This course is Basic

This Course has no Prerequisites


Dan Bikos

Page Contact

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