GOES-R Hurricane Intensity Estimate
This module is part of the satellite foundational course for GOES-R (SatFC-G). This particular module provides an introduction to the Hurricane Intensity Estimate (HIE) baseline product. The lesson begins with a brief overview of the algorithm, covering both the strengths and limitations. A current example of the text product format is shown.
Training Session Options:
NOAA/NWS students – to begin the training, use the web-based video, YouTube video, or audio playback options below (if present for this session). Certificates of completion for NOAA/NWS employees can be obtained by accessing the session via the Commerce Learn Center
- Web-based video that can be taken at anytime (streamed, not recommended for low-bandwidth users). Be sure to have your speakers on and the volume loud enough to hear the presentation.
- Download video (recommended for low-bandwidth users) – This is an audio playback version in the form of an Articulate Presenter video and can be taken at anytime. Create a directory to download the video file from the following link: http://rammb.cira.colostate.edu/training/visit/training_sessions/goes_r_hurricane_intensity_estimate/goes_r_hurricane_intensity_estimate_articulate.zip After extracting the files into that directory click on either the presentation.html OR index.html file and the video will begin to play in your browser.
References / Additional Links:
- Talking points are available for this lesson and may be printed out to easily review the session in detail at any time.
- Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document (ATBD)
- Product Definition and User’s Guide (PUG)
- CIMSS: HIE/ADT Overview and Archive Page
- GOES-R Quick Guide
This Course has no Prerequisites
Erin Sanders