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GOES Sounder Data and Products


Scott Lindstrom

Scott Bachmeier



Archived Training






Last Updated:



This 30-minute introductory-level training module updates the original “GOES Sounder Data and Products” lesson (Bachmeier et al., 2000) VISITview lesson that was also updated in 2006. It provides an introduction to the data and products available from the present GOES Sounder instruments, including examples of sounder Derived Product Imagery (DPI).

Training Session Options

NOAA/NWS students – to begin the training, use the web-based video, YouTube video, or audio playback options below (if present for this session). Certificates of completion for NOAA/NWS employees can be obtained by accessing the session via the Commerce Learn Center

  1. Audio playback (recommended for low-bandwidth users) – This is an audio playback version in the form of a downloadable VISITview and can be taken at anytime.

    Create a directory to download the audio playback file (140 MB) from the following link:

    After extracting the files into that directory click on either the visitplay.bat or visitauto.bat file to start the lesson. If both files are present, use visitauto.bat

References/Additional Links

Realtime GOES sounder data and products on the Web:


  • Jun Li, Jinlong Li, Jason Otkin, Timothy J. Schmit, and Chian-Yi Liu, 2011: Warning Information in a Preconvection Environment from the Geostationary Advanced Infrared Sounding System – A Simulation Study Using the IHOP Case. J. Appl. Meteor. Climatol., 50, 776 – 783. (DOI)
  • Yong-Keun Lee, Zhenglong Li, Jun Li, and Timothy J. Schmit, 2014: Evaluation of the GOES-R ABI LAP Retrieval Algorithm Using the GOES-13 Sounder. J. Atmos. Oceanic Technol., 31, 3-19.(DOI)
  • Li, Z., J. Li, W. P. Menzel, T. J. Schmit, J. P. Nelson III, J. Daniels, and S. A. Ackerman, 2008: GOES sounding improvement and applications to severe storm nowcasting. Geophys. Res. Lett., 35, L03806, doi:10.1029/2007GL032797
  • Schmit, T. J., Jun Li, J. J. Gurka, M. D. Goldberg, K. J. Schrab, Jinlong Li, and W. F. Feltz, 2008: The GOES-R Advanced Baseline Imager and the Continuation of Current Sounder Products. J. Appl. Meteor. Climatol., 47, 2696-2711. (AMS on-line)

Some older references below:

  • Bayler, G. M., R. M. Aune, and W. H. Raymond, 2001: NWP cloud initialization using GOES sounder data and improved modeling of non-precipitating clouds. /Mon. Wea. Rev/., 128, 3911-3920.
  • Daniels, J. M., T. J. Schmit, and D.W. Hillger, 2001: GOES-11 Science Test: GOES-11 Imager and Sounder Radiance and Product Validations. NOAA Technical Report NESDIS 103, U.S. Department of Commerce, Washington, DC.
  • Dostalek, John F. and Timothy J. Schmit, 2001: Total precipitable water measurements from GOES sounder derived product imagery. /Wea. Forecasting/, *16*, 573-587.
  • Ellrod, Gary P., Nelson, James P., Witiw, Michael R., Bottos, Lynda, Roeder, William P. 2000: *Experimental GOES Sounder Products for the Assessment of Downburst Potential.* /Weather and Forecasting/: Vol. 15, No. 5, pp. 527–542.
  • Hillger, D. W., T. J. Schmit, and J. M. Daniels, 2003: Imager and Sounder Radiance and Product Validations for the GOES-12 Science Test, NOAA Technical Report 115, U.S. Department of Commerce, Washington, DC.
  • Li, J., C. C. Schmidt, J. P. Nelson III, T. J. Schmit, and W. P. Menzel, 2001: Estimation of total atmospheric ozone from GOES sounder radiances with high temporal resolution. /J. Atmos. Oceanic Technol., /18, 157-168.
  • Ma, X. L., T. Schmit, and W. L. Smith, 1999: A non-linear physical retrieval algorithm – its application to the GOES-8/9 sounder. /J. Appl. Meteor./, *38*, 501-513.
  • Schmit T. J., W. F. Feltz, W. P. Menzel, J. Jung, A. P. Noel, J. N. Heil, J. P. Nelson III, G. S. Wade, 2002: Validation and use of GOES sounder moisture information, /Wea. Forecasting/, *17*, 139-154.
  • Schreiner, A. J., T. J. Schmit, and R. M. Aune, 2002: Maritime inversions and the GOES sounder cloud product. /Nat. Wea. Assoc. Digest/, *26*, 1,2 27-38.
  • Schreiner, Anthony J., Timothy J. Schmit, and W. Paul Menzel, 2001: Observations and trends of clouds based on GOES sounder data. /J. Geophys. Res./, *106*, 20,349-20,363.
  • Images of satellite-derived cloud top pressure for the contiguous United States, Schreiner et al., Proceedings of the National Weather Association Conference, pp 35, December 3-8 1995.
  • Derived Product Imagery from GOES-8, Hayden, C.M., G.S. Wade, and T.J. Schmit, Journal of Appiled Meteorology, 35, pp 153-162, 1996.
  • Application of GOES-8/9 Soundings to Weather Forecasting and Nowcasting, Menzel et al., Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 79, 1998.
This course is Basic

There are no prerequisites


Scott Lindstrom

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