Monitoring Gulf Moisture Return

Dan Bikos, Jeff Braun, John Weaver

45 Min


Objectives: Identify and track low-level moisture utilizing GOES imagery with other datasets.

  • Nighttime detection:
    • 10.7 um imagery
    • Fog product
  • Daytime detection using:
    • Visible imagery
    • 10.7 um imagery
  • Cloudy or clear conditions

Training Session Options:

NOAA/NWS students – to begin the training, use the web-based video, YouTube video, or audio playback options below (if present for this session). Certificates of completion for NOAA/NWS employees can be obtained by accessing the session via the Commerce Learn Center

  1. Audio playback (recommended for low-bandwidth users) – This is an audio playback version in the form of a downloadable VISITview and can be taken at anytime. Create a directory to download the audio playback file (53 MB) from the following link: After extracting the files into that directory click on either the visitplay.bat or visitauto.bat file to start the lesson. If both files are present, use visitauto.bat
  2. YouTube video:

References / Additional Links:

  • Talking points are available for this lesson and may be printed out to easily review the session in detail at any time.
  • Bikos, D., Weaver, J., and J. Braun, 2006: The Role of GOES Satellite Imagery in Tracking Low-Level Moisture. Wea. Forecasting, 21, 232-241.
  • Use of GOES/RSO imagery with other Remote Sensor Data for Diagnosing Severe Weather across the CONUS (RSO 3)
  • Parmenter, F.C., 1975: Low-Level Moisture Intrusion from Infrared Imagery. Mon. Wea. Rev., 104, 100-104.
  • Dostalek, J.F., J.F. Weaver, J.F.W. Purdom and K.Y. Winston, 1997: Nighttime detection of low-level thunderstorm outflow using a GOES multispectral image product. Wea. Forecasting, 12, 947-950.
  • Lewis, J.M., C.M. Hayden, R.T. Merrill, and J.M. Schneider, 1989: GUFMEX: A study of return flow in the Gulf of Mexico. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 70, 24-29.
This course is Basic

This Course has no Prerequisites


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