Card “A”

Calling about broken water lines, tree limbs on power lines,
or broken tree limbs.

If the problem is broken water pipes:

Q1: Has any structural damage occurred?
Tell the caller ….

  • Shut off the water if you know how to do this.
  • If the water HAS caused structural damage:
    • Avoid going into affected areas.
    • If you smell gas evacuate the building and DO NOT GO BACK FOR ANY REASON
  • If the water HAS NOT caused structural damage:
    • Call a plumber (listing in Yellow Pages)
    • You can purchase a sump pump from a discount outlet or hardware store, and might be able to rent one through a local rental company.

If the problem is broken tree limbs on power lines:
Tell the caller ….

  • If the power lines are laying on, or against your house – especially if sparking is occurring – evacuate your house immediately.
  • Stay in the house if you are not in immediate danger.
  • Do not go near, or come in contact with downed power lines. Let your power company deal with the problem.
  • Call the power company(the company that bills you for service).

If tree limbs are breaking, but not causing a safety problem:
Tell the caller ….

  • If the broken limb in the roadway or otherwise causing a hazard?
  • You can get help by checking in the Yellow Pages under “Tree Service”.
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