Card “D”

Caller is stuck in a building
(e.g., a school, hospital, shopping mall, nursing home, or office building).

If any part of the structure is collapsing:


Tell the caller…

  • If you cannot leave the building entirely, gather all of the occupants together and move them to an unaffected part of the building.
  • Evacuate only if there is no other option (for example, a natural gas leak).
  • Stay inside where it is dry and warm, and drive only in an emergency.

If the structure is not collapsing:

Tell the caller…

  • Keep everyone inside where it is dry and warm.
  • Drive only in an emergency.

If there has been a power outage:

  • Call the power company.
  • If there is no heat:
    • Do not use camping appliances to heat! You can use alternative heat from a fireplace, wood stove, or space heater, but be sure to follow all of the manufacturer recommended safeguards, and always assure proper ventilation.
    • Hyper-insulate your home. This means to:
      • Close off unneeded rooms.
      • Stuff towels or rags in cracks under doors.
      • Cover windows at night.
    • Eat and drink if possible.
      • Food provides the body with the energy for producing its own heat.
      • Fluids prevent dehydration, which can occur quickly.
    • Layer your clothing.
      • Wear layers of loose fitting, light-weight, warm clothing.
      • Remove layers to avoid overheating, perspiration, and subsequent chill.

Blizzard Card “D”

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