Card “E”
Calling from an automobile (van, SUV).
Q1: Where are you located?
Q2: Are you trapped in your vehicle?
Q3: Is the water deep, or flowing fast?
Q4: Is your vehicle floating? If so, which direction is it going?
If the person IS trapped in very deep, fast-moving water and/or the vehicle is floating away (especially if water is getting into the automobile and their life is threatened):
Tell the caller…
- Try to open a side window, or break it with your shoe or some other solid object.
- Try to find a flotation device of some sort in your automobile. If nothing else is available, you can use a jacket or shirt to trap air, and create your own makeshift flotation cushion.
- Leave the vehicle and try to make your way to dry ground, keeping a tight grip on the flotation device.
If the victim IS NOT in very deep, fast-flowing water, nor floating away:
Tell the caller…
- Stay in your car. We are sending the fire department.