Card “B”

Been hit by a tornado.
Q1: Where are you calling from?
Q2: Are you injured or trapped?

If the caller IS injured:
Tell the caller…

  • Stay where you are. We are sending help.
  • If there are fires dangerously close, or if you smell natural gas, move as far away from the area as your injuries allow, but remain in the general vicinity so that rescuers can find you.
  • Begin EMD per local protocols.

If the caller IS NOT injured:
Q3: Do you know if there are others injured around you?
Q4: Please describe the damage in your area?
Tell the caller…

  • If there are no fires close to you, and if you cannot smell natural gas, walk around the affected area carefully. Try to determine if there are injured victims nearby. Avoid potentially deadly downed power lines.
  • Do not try to extricate victims from debris on your own. You might harm them without the use of professional rescue techniques and equipment.
  • If you find victims, mark their location with something bright and obvious, call back, and remain in the area until fire-rescue arrives on-scene.

NOTE: If this tornado has not been previously reported, you should pass the report along to both the local Emergency Operations Center, and the nearest National Weather Service office.

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