Entrenamiento Virtual en Aplicaciones de Satélite

Fuego Volcano, Guatemala
3-4 June 2018
Ash RGB, SO2 RGB, Air Mass RGB,
Day Cloud Phase Distinction RGB
& Nighttime Microphysics RGB
SO2 and AI Retrievals
Sierra Negra Volcano, Ecuador
26-27 June 2018
Ch 8-15
Ash RGB, SO2 RGB, Air Mass RGB
High Resolution Visible (0.64 μm, Band 2)
SO2 Retrievals
Aoba (Ambae) Volcano, Vanuatu
26 July 2018
Ch 8-15
Ash RGB, SO2 RGB, Air Mass RGB
True Color RGB, Natural Color RGB
SO2 and Ash Retrievals
Raikoke Volcano, Russia
21-22 June 2019
Ash RGB, SO2 RGB, Air Mass RGB
SO2 RGB (G17, 21 July – 1 August 2019)
SO2 RGB (H8, 27 July – 2 August 2019)
SO2 Retrievals
La Soufrière Volcano, St. Vincent
9-12 April 2021
(9 Apr 12UTC – 10 Apr 08UTC)
GeoColor, Ash RGB, SO2 RGB
(10 Apr 09UTC – 12 Apr 05UTC)
GeoColor, Ash RGB, SO2 RGB
(10 Apr 16UTC – 18UTC)
Ash RGB, SO2 RGB, Air Mass RGB
SO2 Retrievals
Ubinas Volcano, Peru
19 July 2019
Ch 1-16
GeoColor, IR, Ash RGB, SO2 RGB
Day Cloud Phase Distinction RGB,
GLM (Lightning)

SO2, Ash, and AI Retrievals
Ubinas and Sabancaya Volcanoes, Peru
24 July 2019
GeoColor/GLM (Lightning), Ch 8, Ch 15,
Ash RGB, SO2 RGB, Dust RGB
Ulawun Volcano, Papua New Guinea
26 June 2019
GeoColor, IR, Ash RGB, SO2 RGB
SO2 Retrievals
Ulawun Volcano, Papua New Guinea
3-4 August 2019
GeoColor, IR, Ash RGB, SO2 RGB
SO2 Retrievals
Snow in Peru
18 July 2019
Day Snow-Fog RGB,
Day Cloud Phase Distinction RGB,
Fires in Brazil
13 August 2019
GeoColor, Fire Temperature RGB,
Natural Color-Fire RGB, Shortwave Albedo
224 AVIRIS Channels
Cold Front in South America
1-5 August 2019
Dust RGB, GeoColor, Ch 8, Ch 15


 Demostración de la herramienta de HAniS




 Ash RGB
 Air Mass RGB RGB Masas de Aire
 Dust RGB RGB Polvo
 Day Cloud Phase Distinction RGB RGB Distinción de la fase del agua en la nube en el día
 Geostationary Lightning Mapper (GLM)
 Day Snow-Fog RGB RGB Nieve y niebla en el día
 Fire Temperature RGB
 Day Land Cloud Fire RGB (Natural Color-Fire RGB)
 Nighttime Microphysics RGB RGB Microfísica Nocturna
 GeoColor Product Producto Geocolor
 Total Precipitable Water Product Producto Agua Precipitable Total
 Day Cloud Convection RGB RGB Convección de nubes en el día

Questions? Email Bernie Connell