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JPSS VIIRS Calibration/Validation and Visualization

The NESDIS/StAR VIIRS Imagery and Visualization Team is responsible for the checkout/validation of Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) EDR Imagery from the NASA/NOAA Joint Polar Satellite System (JPSS) satellites. Currently, there are three VIIRS in orbit: JPSS-2 (NOAA-21), JPSS-1 (NOAA-20) and SNPP (Suomi-National Polar-orbiting Partnership). NOAA-20 leads SNPP by a half orbit, or ~50 minutes in the 1330 local-time sun-synchronous orbit, with NOAA-21 a quarter orbit (~25-minutes) between the two as it continues to under go post-launch testing. The VIIRS instrument collects visible and infrared imagery of the earth, providing global information about land, ocean, clouds, and cryosphere.

VIIRS Imagery over Indonesia

Daily VIIRS Imagery Global and Regional Composites (Click to Enlarge)

NOAA-21 VIIRS Day Night Band (DNB) Near Constant Contrast (NCC) Imagery global composite, from the most recent (00 UTC – 00 UTC) evening. Archive
NOAA-21 VIIRS True Color RGB Imagery global composite, from the most recent (00 UTC – 00 UTC) Day. Archive
NOAA-21 VIIRS IR Window (M15) Imagery global composite, from the most recent (00 UTC – 00 UTC) evening. Archive
NOAA-21 VIIRS Nighttime Microphysics RGB Imagery global composite, from the most recent (00 UTC – 00 UTC) evening. Archive
NOAA-21 VIIRS Day Night Band (DNB) Near Constant Contrast (NCC) CONUS composite, from the most recent Night. Archive
NOAA-21 VIIRS True Color RGB Imagery CONUS composite, from the most recent Day. Archive
NOAA-21 VIIRS Day Night Band (DNB) Near Constant Contrast (NCC) Europe composite, from the most recent Night. Archive
NOAA-21 VIIRS True Color RGB Imagery Europe composite, from the most recent Day. Archive

CONUS-Sector VIIRS True Color Imagery Daily Composite

CONUS-Sector VIIRS Day Night Band NCC Imagery Nightly Composite

Europe-Sector VIIRS Day Night Band NCC Imagery Nightly Composite

Bill Line

Lead, STAR Imagery Science Team

VIIRS Imagery/Products Developed at CIRA/RAMMB

Below is a listing of VIIRS imagery products developed at and/or generated and distributed by CIRA/RAMMB, including information about the product and data access

VIIRS Near-Constant Contrast

General VIIRS Journal Articles

First-Light Imagery From Suomi-NPP VIIRS (Jul 2013)

Suomi NPP VIIRS Imagery Evaluation (May 2015)

An Overview of the Joint Polar Satellite System (JPSS) Science Data Product Calibration and Validation (Feb 2016)

An Overview of the Science Performances and Calibration/Validation of Joint Polar Satellite System Operational Products (Mar 2019)

Ten Years of VIIRS EDR Imagery Validation and User Interactions (Aug 2022)

VIIRS after 10 Years—A Perspective on Benefits to Forecasters and End-Users (Feb 2023)

Page Contact

Bill Line

Lead, STAR Imagery Science Team