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The Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite-R (GOES-R) series of NOAA geostationary weather satellites represents a significant advancement in earth observation over previous NOAA geostationary weather satellites. The Advanced Baseline Imager (ABI) provides 5x the temporal, 4x the spatial, and 3x the spectral resolution over the previous GOES Imager. Additionally, the Geostationary Lightning Mapper (GLM) captures total lightning information across much of the hemisphere, a new capability of GOES satellites. These advancements have resulted in more timely and accurate weather forecasts and Decision Support Services for a variety of meteorological phenomena that directly affect public safety, protection of property, and economic health and development.
GOES-R, the first satellite in the GOES-R series, launched into orbit on 18 November 2016, becoming GOES-16, and ultimately the operational GOES-East satellite on 18 December 2017. The second satellite in the GOES-R series, GOES-S, launched on 01 March 2018, becoming GOES-17, and finally the operational GOES-West satellite on 12 February 2019. GOES-T Launched in March 2022, becoming GOES-18, and was transitioned to be the operational GOES-West satellite in January 2023. GOES-U is expected to launch in Spring 2024, to round out the series. The ABI and GLM instruments will have similar capabilities across all four of the GOES-R series satellites.
For detailed information on GOES-R see the GOES-R Program Office homepage at
The follow-on program to GOES-R, Geostationary Extended Observations (GeoXO) is well into the planning stages, and will provide a continuation and expansion of GOES-R series satellite observations. More information on GeoXO can be found at:
DEBRA-Dust Product
Snow/Cloud Product
Geocolor Product
Below is a listing of GOES imagery products generated and distributed by CIRA/RAMMB, including information about the product and data access
A list of journal articles specifically discussing GOES-R ABI imagery and direct imagery applications. A more comprehensive list of GOES-R related publications can be found here.