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GOES Imaging and Sounding area coverage, resolution, and image frequency


Bernie Connell



Archived Training

Intern Course





The objective of this session is: To learn about basic characteristics and functions of the GOES satellite: environmental sensing and other tasks, channels, image resolution, location, coverage, and schedules.

Training Session Options:

  1. Web-based training session
    – a “stand alone” version viewed via a Web browser, with embedded talking points included. This lesson version may be viewed at any time and takes 30 minutes These slides are ideal for printing from the web-browser, just print preview first to choose portrait or landscape mode.
  2. Audio playback (recommended for low-bandwidth users) – This is an audio playback version in the form of a downloadable VISITview and can be taken at anytime.

    Create a directory to download the audio playback file (21 MB) from the following link:

    After extracting the files into that directory click on either the visitplay.bat or visitauto.bat file to start the lesson. If both files are present, use visitauto.bat

References/Additional Links

  • Space Systems Loral, 1996 : GOES I-M DataBook Can be found online
  • NOAA/NESDIS Satellite and Information Service, Satellite Services Division: look for GOES Satellite Operations
  • GOES Frequently Asked Questions for Forecasters (On the VISIT homepage)
  • NOAAPORT User’s page: Latitude/Longitude Dimensions of Remapped GOES/Composite Imager Products
This course is Basic

There are no prerequisites


Bernie Connell
(970) 491-8689

Page Contact

Bernie Connell


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