The University of Costa Rica (UCR) in San Jose, Costa Rica is hosting a virtual satellite workshop in Spanish for participants from the Latin America and Caribbean region in October 2020. The training will be on Wednesdays and Thursdays for three consecutive weeks, October 14-15, 21-22, and 28-29, 2020. The workshop will cover both GOES-R and JPSS satellite capabilities and data access to support the World Meteorological Organization’s (WMO) Region IV forecast challenges. This is a Spanish language only event with no simultaneous interpretation available.
Only four modules are suggested. The Spanish titles of these modules are:
Introducción a la teledetección por microondas
Bandas de absorción del oxígeno y del vapor de agua
Emisividad superficial de microondas
Influencia de las nubes y la precipitación
By the end of the workshop, participants will have a general working knowledge of the GOES-R Series and JPSS key instruments as well as develop competency in working with the data and products for weather forecasting, prediction, monitoring or research through hands-on exercises and case studies. A certificate of participation will be provided to participants actively engaged in all sessions.