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CIRA/WMO VLab McIDAS-V exercises to load GOES and JPSS imagery

The following exercises were developed for two workshops: the WMO/NOAA VLab Train the Trainer workshop on “Satellite Data Usage: Access through GEONETCast Americas, Display, Interpretation, and Usage in Training” occurring on 15-16 July 2017 and the AmeriGEOSS “Training on Satellite Data: Access through GEONETCast Americas, Display, Interpretation, and Usage” occurring on 31 July – 4 August 2017. These exercises focus on linking information from online training modules with on hands-on data exploring activities. If you are not familiar with the new GOES-16 satellite or VIIRS, we recommend you review the following tutorials for background:

  1. The first six modules of the Satellite Foundation Course for GOES-R (SatFC-G)
  2. Introduction to VIIRS Imaging and Applications
  3. Suomi NPP: A New Generation of Environmental Monitoring Satellites

WMO/NOAA VLab Train the Trainer Workshop agenda

AmeriGEOSS GEONETCast Workshop agenda

Loading a subsection of fulldisk imagery Short Version Tutorial Instructions Long Step by Step Version

Loading the fulldisk file Short Version Tutorial Instructions Long Step by Step Version

The Short Version of the tutorial uses a McIDAS-V bundle file to quickly display a single time of GOES-16 Cloud and Moisture Imagery (CMI). The Long Step by Step Version provides detailed instructions on how to load CMI images, apply color tables, change labels (helpful for translation ;). The objectives of this exercise are 1) to demonstrate that McIDAS-V can load a subsector of full disk images in the given netCDF file format, and 2) to be able to view, probe, and compare the Level 2 CMI data in two groups: 6 visible and near infrared (IR) channels and 10 infrared channels. This exercise potentially provides the user with many examples of environmental, meteorological, and hydrological features that are highlighted in the first six modules of SatFC-G. It’s your mission to explore the data and report back what you find.

The main reason this tutorial focuses on a sub-sector of the data is that it takes more time and more memory for McIDAS-V to load the full resolution, full disk imagery that will be available through the GEONETCast Americas (GNC-A) broadcast when GOES-16 becomes operational. If you do not already have McIDAS-V installed on your computer, information is included on where to obtain it. A link to the sample data and bundle files are also provided. Happy exploring!

Loading a 5 minute block of swath imagery Tutorial Instructions

In this tutorial, McIDAS-V instruction bundle files (with the extension .mcv) are used to quickly display the Suomi-NPP VIIRS data (with the extension .h5) with predefined settings. The objectives of this exercise are to demonstrate that McIDAS-V can load a swath in the given HDF5 file format, and to be able to view, probe, and compare the 16 “Moderate” resolution (“M”, 750 m) data in three groups: 5 visible bands, 6 near infrared bands, and 5 infrared bands. If you do not already have McIDAS-V installed on your computer, information is included on where to obtain it. A link to the sample data and bundle files are also provided. Some of the VIIRS channels and products will be made available through the GNC-A broadcast during the next year. Happy exploring!

Bernie Connell bernie.connell@colostate.eduErin Sanders
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