The High Profile Training Event (HPTE) was a major milestone in the evolution of the WMO / CGMS Virtual Laboratory for Satellite Meteorology. It provided a unique education and training opportunity to WMO Members through the presentation of a series of interactive, online, presentations in the period 16 to 27 October 2006.
The HPTE provided training on different levels in this period:
To order Lectures A through D on CD or DVD, send an email to
hpte AT
On the subject line, put HPTE Lectures on CD/DVD
In the body of the email, please include 1) Your name, 2) the country you are from, 3) the organization you work for, 4) your mailing address and a phone number. If regular mail from the U.S.A would take longer than 1 week, please specify an address to receive express mail (and indicate this in the email message).
The objectives of this session are:
Part 1 – Update on:
Part 2:
Part 3:
Virtual Laboratory for Satellite Training and Data Utilization (CIRA)
Talking points – these are included with both the teletraining and audio playback sessions. Click on the see URL button to view them.
The objectives of this session are:
Virtual Laboratory for Satellite Training and Data Utilization (CIRA)
Talking points – these are included with both the teletraining and audio playback sessions. Click on the see URL button to view them.
This presentation will show how to create ‘products’ from satellite images. ‘Products’ in this sense are meteorological parameters of defined value and physical unit. The lecture is intended to address beginners in this field. ‘From images to products’ is demonstrated by two examples, namely the derivation of wind vectors and of a cloud mask. At the end, an outlook is given to more advanced product derivation as e.g. from sounding instruments.
EUMETSAT website
Space Science and Engineering Center at the University of Wisconsin
Envisat Product Handbooks
Talking points – these are included with both the teletraining and audio playback sessions. Click on the see URL button to view them.
Virtual Laboratory for Satellite Training and Data Utilization (CIRA)
Talking points – these are included with both the teletraining and audio playback sessions. Click on the see URL button to view them.
Unless otherwise noted, all content on the CIRA RAMMB: VISIT, SHyMet and VLab webpages are released under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.