WMO-CGMS VLab Regional Focus Group of the Americas and Caribbean

The WMO-CGMS VLab Regional Focus Group (RFG) of the Americas and the Caribbean meets virtually for monthly weather and climate briefings.  We share satellite imagery and discuss global, regional, and local weather patterns, including hurricanes, volcanic eruptions, severe weather, and other interesting events.  Participants are researchers, forecasters, trainers, students, and managers – primarily from Central and South America and the Caribbean. We are able to “build capacity” by communicating with others across disciplines from many different countries to discuss the impacts of forecasts and broad-reaching phenomena, such as El Niño.

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    • Gmail:  find the Google Group “wmo_ra-iii-iv_vlab” and request to join.

    • Other:  send an email to <wmo.ra.iii.iv.vlab@gmail.com>.  In the subject line please use “Add me to WMO RA-III/IV VLab”.  In the body of the email include your name, the country you are from, your organization, and a brief description (1-2 sentences) of your interests.

[+] Getting Connected with GoToWebinar

GoToWebinar is used for audio and screen sharing during the sessions.  You can register for a scheduled session by using a link above and filling out the online form.  Please provide your name, email, country, and organization. If you are participating as part of a larger group, please let us know through email or through the question box during the session.  If you register before the session has started you will receive a confirmation email and can then use the link provided to connect to GoToWebinar at the scheduled time.  Read the GoToWebinar Attendee Guide for tips on registering and joining a session.

As an attendee you do not need to download the GoToWebinar desktop app prior to a session, and will be prompted to use the browser-based version when you join.  If you would like to download the desktop app instead, this Tutorial steps through the installation process.

Once you are connected and an organizer has started the GoToWebinar session you will see two windows, the presenter’s shared screen and the Control Panel.  All participants enter with their microphones muted. If you would like to ask a question during the session, raise your hand by clicking the hand/arrow icon and an organizer will allow you to unmute.  You will need to click the microphone icon so that it turns green. You can also type a question or comment in the Questions box at any time.  If available, presentation slides and additional documents will be located in the Handouts section for download.  Occasionally our sessions include Poll Questions.  These will pop up in a new window on your screen during the session and you will be asked to anonymously participate by selecting an answer.

[+] Background on the RFG Sessions

The WMO-CGMS VLab Regional Focus Group of the Americas and the Caribbean (Regional Associations III and IV) has led online weather and climate briefings since March 2004. CIRA coordinates with NOAA’s Weather Prediction Center International Desks and the WMO Centers of Excellence in Barbados, Costa Rica, Brazil, and Argentina to conduct the bilingual (English and Spanish) monthly sessions and occasional special topic sessions. Over the years the RFG community has continuously grown with participants joining in from over 65 countries, including instructors, students, researchers, forecasters, trainers, and weather enthusiasts.

José Gálvez (NOAA/NCEP/WPC International Desks) is the current lead for the sessions following the retirement of Mike Davison. We use SLIDER to view GOES and JPSS satellite imagery and products. A typical session begins with a synoptic analysis of the Americas and the Caribbean, looking at current weather patterns and highlighting areas of interest.  Next, there is an overview of several climate indicators: SST, ENSO, MJO, equatorial tropospheric waves, wind and precipitation trends and anomalies.  A review of significant weather events occurring during the past month follows. This includes heavy rainfall, drought, fires and smoke, blowing dust, volcanic eruptions, and more. Participants contribute by asking questions and commenting on their local and regional weather.

For background information on the climate indicators and weather patterns discussed, refer to the special topic sessions recorded in February 2021:

A brief history of the RFG sessions and how the program has shaped a community of practice and learning throughout the years can be found in our 2020 publication:

This activity supports the WMO-CGMS Virtual Laboratory for Education and Training in Satellite Meteorology.

Recorded Sessions

Regional Focus Group sessions are recorded and uploaded to the WMO-CGMS Virtual Laboratory YouTube channel, along with other videos related to education and training in satellite meteorology.  The RFG recordings are also linked below, organized by year in reverse chronological order.  More information on WMO-CGMS Satellite Skills and Knowledge for Operational Meteorologists can be found on our webpage.

2025 Recorded RFG Monthly Sessions

Date Description WMO Satellite Skill(s)
2025-02-26 Overview: Synoptic analysis of the Americas and the Caribbean, climate indicators update (SST, ENSO, MJO, precipitation, winds, TPW), fog in Peru related to warm sea surface temperatures with pockets of coastal upwelling, Bolivian high displaced to the southwest, active southern branch of the ITCZ in the eastern tropical Pacific Ocean, heavy rainfall events in Ecuador, and more.
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2025-01-29 Overview: Synoptic analysis of the Americas and the Caribbean, climate indicators update (SST, ENSO, MJO, precipitation, winds, ALPW), discussion about an interesting perturbation propagating across the tropical Atlantic Ocean, strong atmospheric river approaching southern Chile, potential for severe weather in the Southern Plains of the United States, heavy rains and flooding in São Paulo, Brazil, and more.
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2024 Recorded RFG Monthly Sessions

Date Description WMO Satellite Skill(s)
2024-12-18 Overview: Synoptic analysis of the Americas and the Caribbean, climate indicators update (SST, ENSO, MJO, precipitation, winds, ALPW), downslope winds in the Rocky Mountains of the United States, subtropical jet stream and transverse cloud bands, thick dust plume off the west coast of Africa, ITCZ shifting far south of Panama suggesting early onset of the dry season, and more.
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2024-11-19 Overview: Synoptic analysis of the Americas and the Caribbean, climate indicators update (SST, ENSO, MJO, precipitation, winds, TPW), strong winds in the Drake Passage, cyclogenesis expected in northeast Argentina with possible echo training event, Bolivian high, gravity waves over the Andes Mountains, Day Cloud Phase Distinction RGB, and more.
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2024-10-23 Overview: Synoptic analysis of the Americas and the Caribbean, climate indicators update (SST, ENSO, MJO, precipitation, winds, TPW), Hurricane Kristy and remnants of Hurricane Oscar, areas of ozone intrusion, active convection across the Atlantic ITCZ, trade wind surge, differentiating snow from clouds, and more.
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2024-09-18 Overview: Synoptic analysis of the Americas and the Caribbean, climate indicators update (SST, ENSO, MJO, precipitation, winds, TPW), fires and widespread smoke across South America, stratospheric ozone intrusion, potential for severe weather in Argentina, conditions favorable for Central American Gyre to develop, and more.
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2024-08-22 Overview: Synoptic analysis of the Americas and the Caribbean, climate indicators update (SST, ENSO, MJO, precipitation, winds, TPW), surface fronts, fires in southeast Bolivia, snow in Chile and Argentina, tropical waves in the Atlantic Ocean, RGBs, and more.
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2024-07-18 Overview: Synoptic analysis of the Americas and the Caribbean, climate indicators update (SST, ENSO, MJO, precipitation, winds, TPW), sun glint, plume of Saharan dust over the Atlantic Ocean, the WPC International Desks tropical wave tracking algorithm, fog/low clouds in southern Brazil, and more.
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2024-06-18 Overview: Synoptic analysis of the Americas and the Caribbean, climate indicators update (SST, ENSO, MJO, precipitation, winds, TPW), Central American Gyre with potential for tropical cyclone development, heavy rainfall and flooding in central Chile, baroclinic leaf off the coast of Argentina, and more.
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2024-05-22 Overview: Presentation by Regina Ito (INPE, Brazil) on the record rainfall and flooding in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Synoptic analysis of the Americas and the Caribbean, climate indicators update (SST, ENSO, MJO, precipitation, winds, TPW), snow in the Andes Mountains, heavy rainfall and hail in the central Caribbean, Caribbean Institute for Meteorology and Hydrology (CIMH) hurricane season outlook, and more!
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2024-04-17 Overview: Synoptic analysis of the Americas and the Caribbean, climate indicators update (SST, ENSO, MJO, precipitation, winds, TPW), Saharan dust blowing across the Atlantic Ocean, atmospheric river, transitioning from El Nino to ENSO-neutral, heavy rainfall event in southeast Brazil, and more!
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2024-03-20 Overview: This month marks 20 years of the WMO-CGMS Regional Focus Group monthly sessions. We hear from present and past organizers as they reflect on the significance of these sessions and how they have evolved over the years. This is followed by a brief update on the climate indices (SST, ENSO, MJO), discussion of the potential for heavy rainfall events in the Bahamas and southeast Brazil, and more!
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2024-02-21 Overview: Synoptic analysis of the Americas and the Caribbean, climate indicators update (SST, ENSO, MJO, precipitation, winds, TPW), discussion on what defines an atmospheric river, rare Tropical Storm Akará in the South Atlantic off the coast of Brazil, Panama Low-Level Jet, and more!
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2024-01-17 Overview: Synoptic analysis of the Americas and the Caribbean, climate indicators update (SST, ENSO, MJO, precipitation, winds, ALPW), Arctic air mass brings cold temperatures to the United States, prominent Bolivian high, severe weather in southern Brazil, blowing dust in Mexico and Texas (United States), RGBs, and more!
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2023 Recorded RFG Monthly Sessions

Date Description WMO Satellite Skill(s)
2023-12-19 Overview: synoptic analysis of the Americas and the Caribbean, climate indicators update (SST, ENSO, MJO, precipitation, winds, TPW), sun glint over rivers in Brazil, ITCZ, amplified upper level pattern in the Northern Hemisphere and associated surface fronts, Foehn wind effect and cloud-free region along the coast of Guatemala, identifying convection using the Day Cloud Phase Distinction RGB, and more!
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1.1, 2.1, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 4.1.3, 5.1, 6.1, 6.6, 6.8
2023-11-21 Overview: synoptic analysis of the Americas and the Caribbean, climate indicators update (SST, ENSO, MJO, precipitation, winds, ALPW), remnants of a tropical disturbance over the Caribbean, extreme temperatures in Brazil, moist plume moving into Argentina, determining smoke vs. dust in satellite imagery, TUTT over Bolivia, and more!
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1.1, 2.1, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 4.1.1+2+3, 5.1, 6.1
2023-10-18 Overview: Synoptic analysis of the Americas and the Caribbean, climate indicators update (SST, ENSO, MJO, precipitation, winds, TPW), Tropical Storm Norma (Pacific Ocean), Tropical Disturbance AL94 (Atlantic Ocean), fast-moving extratropical cyclone off the coast of Argentina, extreme drought in the Amazon, dust detection in satellite imagery, and more!
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2023-09-20 Overview: Congratulations to the National Weather Association (NWA) Special Lifetime Achievement Award recipients, Sheldon Kusselson and Michel Davison. Synoptic analysis of the Americas and the Caribbean, climate indicators update (SST, ENSO, MJO, precipitation, winds, ALPW), vortices off the coast of Chile, stratospheric ozone intrusion, and snow in Patagonia. Our thoughts are with the communities affected by the recent severe weather event and extreme rainfall across northern Argentina, southern Brazil, and Uruguay.
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2023-08-24 Overview: Synoptic analysis of the Americas and the Caribbean, climate indicators update (SST, ENSO, MJO, precipitation, winds), fire season in central South America, Tropical Upper Tropospheric Trough (TUTT) in the southeast Gulf of Mexico, heavy rainfall in Costa Rica, dust and snow detection in satellite imagery, and more!
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2023-07-19 Overview: Identification of features and patterns using imagery and composites – snow and cloud types in Patagonia, the ITCZ and what looks like a branch of the ITCZ to the north of it in the Caribbean, localized flooding in southeast Colombia, an extratropical cyclone affecting Southern Brazil, climate indicators update (SSTs and anomalies, ENSO, MJO, precipitation, TPW & ALPW), dust in the Atlantic, smoke over Florida, and more!
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1.1, 1.3.1, 2.6, 3.1.1+6+7, 3.3.1, 4.1.1+2, 5.1.5, 6.1
2023-06-21 Overview: Synoptic analysis of the Americas and the Caribbean, climate indicators update (SST, ENSO, MJO, precipitation, winds, TPW), subtropical moisture plume approaching Chile, RGBs highlight snow in Patagonia, Tropical Storm Bret and tropical waves, the Caribbean Institute for Meteorology and Hydrology (CIMH) gives a weather briefing, extensive smoke plumes from the wildfires in Canada, and more!
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2023-05-10 Overview: Synoptic analysis of the Americas and the Caribbean, climate indicators update (SST, ENSO, MJO, precipitation, winds, TPW), atmospheric river, significant snowfall in southern Peru, ash from a volcanic eruption in Mexico, hotspots, GOES-16 imagery, and more!
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2023-04-12 Overview: Synoptic analysis of the Americas and the Caribbean, climate indicators update (SST, ENSO, MJO, precipitation, winds, TPW), cyclone in the North Atlantic, ITCZ location, heavy rainfall in the Bahamas, volcanic eruption on Russia’s Kamchatka Peninsula, blowing dust off of Mongolia, RGBs, and more!
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2023-03-08 Overview: Synoptic analysis of the Americas and the Caribbean, climate indicators update (SST, ENSO, MJO, precipitation, winds, ALPW), mesoscale convective system in Bolivia, drought in Argentina, strong winds crossing the Andes Mountains, and discussion of the heavy rainfall and flooding in northern Peru and Ecuador.
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2023-02-08 Overview: Synoptic analysis of the Americas and the Caribbean, climate indicators update (SST, ENSO, MJO, precipitation, winds, ALPW), and we have two guest speakers join us. Camilo Barahona discusses the heat wave and widespread fires in Chile. Kelita Quispe discusses the heavy rainfall that led to flooding and landslides in Peru. Our hearts go out to those affected.
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2023-01-25 Overview: Synoptic analysis of the Americas and the Caribbean, climate indicators update (SST, ENSO, MJO, precipitation, winds, ALPW), moist plume entering southern Chile, mesoscale convective system in Argentina, strong winds over the ABC islands, GOES-16 imagery, and more!
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2022 Recorded RFG Monthly Sessions

Date Description
2022-12-07 Overview: Synoptic analysis of the Americas and the Caribbean, climate indicators update (SST, ENSO, MJO, precipitation, winds, ALPW), upper level trough with stratospheric intrusion, thunderstorms in Brazil, Mauna Loa volcanic eruption in the USA, RGBs, and more!
Presentation PDF
2022-11-16 Overview: Synoptic analysis of the Americas and the Caribbean, climate indicators update (SST, ENSO, MJO, precipitation, winds, TPW), extratropical cyclone off the coast of Chile, mesoscale convective system in Peru, heavy rainfall and flooding in the southeast Caribbean, Day Cloud Phase Distinction RGB, and more!
Presentation PDF
2022-10-26 Overview: The session looked at three areas of heavy precipitation for the current day 1) severe convection in southeast South America; 2) a moisture plume impacting southern Chile; and 3) a moisture plume in the eastern Caribbean that affected Trinidad and Tobago yesterday and will affect Puerto Rico today. In association with the front in South America, we discovered and distinguished between smoke from fires and a blowing dust plume. As usual, we also looked at climatic indices – La Niña continues.Presentation PDF
2022-09-14 Overview: Synoptic analysis of the Americas and the Caribbean, climate indicators update (SST, ENSO, MJO, precipitation, winds, ALPW), nearing the equinox and seeing sun glint along the equator, snow in the Andes, La Niña sea surface temperature conditions expected to continue through November, formation of the Atlantic Tropical Depression 7, and more!Presentation PDF
2022-08-17 Overview: Synoptic analysis of the Americas and the Caribbean, climate indicators update (SST, ENSO, MJO, precipitation, winds, ALPW), gravity waves and dust plumes in Argentina, fires in the Amazon basin, volcanic eruption in Ecuador, and more!
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2022-07-20 Overview: Synoptic analysis of the Americas and the Caribbean, climate indicators update (SST, ENSO, MJO, precipitation, winds, ALPW), atmospheric river headed into southern Chile, snow in the Andes Mountains, heat wave, RGBs, and more!
Presentation PDF
2022-06-08 Overview: Synoptic analysis of the Americas and the Caribbean, climate indicators update (SST, ENSO, MJO, precipitation, winds, ALPW), dust in the Atlantic Ocean, snow in the Andes Mountains, heavy rainfall in the Bahamas, Tropical Storm Alex and Hurricane Agatha, and more!
Presentation PDF
2022-05-11 Overview: Synoptic analysis of the Americas and the Caribbean, climate indicators update (SST, ENSO, MJO, precipitation, winds, ALPW), hail in the Dominican Republic, a few predictions for the 2022 hurricane season, WPC International Desks forecasting algorithms, severe thunderstorms in Australia, and more!
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2022-04-20 Overview: Synoptic analysis of the Americas and the Caribbean, climate indicators update (SST, ENSO, MJO, precipitation, winds, TPW), potential for an active hurricane season in the Caribbean, GOES-16 imagery, and more! Presentation PDF
2022-03-09 Overview: Synoptic analysis of the Americas and the Caribbean, climate indicators update (SST, ENSO, MJO, precipitation, winds, ALPW), extratropical cyclone, update on the heavy rain event in Brazil, blowing dust in Argentina, volcanic eruption in Guatemala, RGBs, and more! Presentation PDF
2022-02-17 Overview: Synoptic analysis of the Americas and the Caribbean, climate indicators update (SST, ENSO, MJO, precipitation, winds, ALPW), heavy rainfall and devastating floods in Petropolis, Brazil, fires and smoke, RGBs, and more. Presentation PDF
2022-01-19 Overview: Discussion of the Tonga volcano eruption, including shockwaves, cloud top temperature/height, ash, SO2, and lightning. Climate indicators update (SST, ENSO, MJO, precipitation, winds, ALPW), synoptic analysis of the Americas and the Caribbean, extreme rainfall and drought in South America, RGBs, and more! Presentation PDF

2021 Recorded RFG Monthly Sessions

Date Description
2021-12-15 Overview: Synoptic analysis of the Americas and the Caribbean, climate indicators update (SST, ENSO, MJO, precipitation, winds, ALPW), strong subtropical high, SACZ over Brazil, polar system moving across the southwestern U.S., GOES-16 imagery, and more! Presentation PDF
2021-11-24 Overview: Synoptic analysis of the Americas and the Caribbean, climate indicators update (SST, ENSO, MJO, precipitation, winds, ALPW), blocking pattern / persistent ridge over the Caribbean, vortex, GOES-16 imagery, and more! Presentation PDF
2021-10-20 Overview: Synoptic analysis of the Americas and the Caribbean, climate indicators update (SST, ENSO, MJO, precipitation, winds, ALPW), heavy rainfall in Panama and Colombia, La Palma volcanic activity, Day Cloud Phase Distinction RGB, and more! Presentation PDF
2021-09-22 Overview: Synoptic analysis of the Americas and the Caribbean, climate indicators update (SST, ENSO, MJO, precipitation, winds, ALPW), Tropical Storms Peter and Rose, fires in the Amazon, severe weather event in Uruguay, volcanic eruption in the Canary Islands, RGBs, and more! Presentation PDF
2021-08-18 Overview: Brief synoptic analysis of the Americas and the Caribbean, climate indicators update (SST, ENSO, MJO, precipitation, winds, ALPW), Tropical Storms Grace and Henri, heavy rainfall in Trinidad, cold front in Brazil, underwater volcanic eruption, RGBs, and more! Presentation PDF
2021-07-21 Overview: Brief synoptic analysis of the Americas and the Caribbean, climate indicators update (SST, ENSO, MJO, precipitation, winds, LPW), cold surge in Brazil, Saharan dust in the Caribbean Basin, fires and smoke in the U.S. and Canada, RGBs, and more! Presentation PDF
2021-06-23 Overview: Presentation by Kathy-Ann Caesar on the June 17th severe weather over Barbados, climate indicators update (SST, ENSO, MJO, precipitation, winds), Tropical Storm Dolores, brief synoptic analysis of the Americas and the Caribbean, and more! Presentation PDF Severe Weather Presentation PDF
2021-05-26 Overview: Brief synoptic analysis of the Americas and the Caribbean, climate indicators update (SST, ENSO, MJO, precipitation, winds, LPW), elevated thunderstorms in Peru, tropical waves, discussion on island wake clouds and sun glint, GOES-16 imagery, and more! Presentation PDF
2021-04-28 Overview: Synoptic patterns and climate analysis and forecasts for the Americas and the Caribbean.  GOES satellite data, RGBs and polar orbiting products for the eruption of Volcano La Soufriere on Caribbean Island of St. Vincent. Presentation PDF
2021-03-24 Overview: Broad synoptic overview of the Americas and the Caribbean followed by a Climate indicators update (SST,ENSO,MJO, precipitation, winds, LPW), as well as heavy rains in Brazil, examples of blowing dust in Mexico and the southern US, detection of ash from Volcano Pacaya in Guatemala, and more!  Presentation PDF
2021-02-24 Overview: Broad synoptic overview of the Americas and the Caribbean followed by a Climate indicators update (SST,ENSO,MJO, precipitation, winds, LPW), as well as examples of Saharan dust moving into the Caribbean and an inversion over Venezuela using different images from the SLIDER, and more!  Presentation PDF
2021-01-27 Overview: Climate indicators update (SST, ENSO, MJO, precipitation, winds, LPW) discussion on trough or SACZ, potential for severe weather in Chile, heavy precipitation in Ecuador, Day Cloud Phase Distinction RGB, and more! Presentation PDF

2021 Recorded Special Topics

Title Date Description
Dinámica de las Corrientes en Chorro del Hemisferio Sur 2021-03-10 [Español] Las corrientes en chorro (jets) y su impacto en los procesos dinámicos son un elemento crítico que el analista y pronosticador meteorológico tienen que siempre considerar durante la evaluación de la atmosfera. En esta sesión especial exploraremos modelos conceptuales y las características de los jets en niveles superiores del hemisferio sur; concentrándonos en los dos ramales del jet polar, el subtropical, el jet de la noche polar y el subecuatorial. PDF de presentación
Interpretación de Aspectos e Indices Climáticos discutidos durante las sesiones mensuales del Enfoque Regional de las RA III/IV de la OMM 2021-02-11 [Español] Nuestro grupo de Enfoque Regional de las RA-III/IV de la OMM conduce sesiones virtuales mensuales, en las que se discute el estado actual del tiempo y clima usando productos satelitales y algunos aspectos e índices climáticos clave. Durante estas sesiones, el análisis de los índices climáticos es conciso, para destinar tiempo para abordar otros aspectos interesantes y para discusiones grupales. Esta sesión tiene como objetivo concentrarse en en la interpretación y aplicación de los diferentes aspectos e índices climáticos discutidos durante las sesiones mensuales. Nos concentraremos en el rol de las temperaturas de la superficie del mar y sus anomalías, El Niño-Oscilación del sur (ENSO), la oscilación de Madden-Julian (MJO) y otras perturbaciones tropicales ecuatoriales; y en patrones de circulación sobre las Américas. PDF de presentación
Interpretation of the Climate Aspects and Indices Discussed during the WMO RA-III/IV Regional Focus Monthly Sessions 2021-02-10 [English] Our WMO RA-III/IV Regional Focus group conducts monthly virtual sessions in which the current state of the weather and climate are discussed using satellite imagery and a few key climate aspects and indices. During these sessions, the analysis of the climate indices is concise, to allocate time for addressing other interesting aspects and for group discussions. This session aims to have a closer look into the interpretation and application of the climate aspects and indices discussed during the monthly sessions. We will focus on the role of sea surface temperatures and anomalies, El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO), the Madden-Julian Oscillation (MJO) and other equatorial tropospheric waves, and atmospheric circulation patterns over the Americas. Presentation PDF
Frentes y Líneas de Cortante / Cizalla en el Caribe (Parte 2) 2021-02-04 [Español] Durante el invierno del hemisferio norte ocurre la estación frecuentemente referida como la estación seca en la Cuenca del Caribe. Durante ésta, el enfoque de los pronosticadores meteorológicos cambia de ondas tropicales y ciclones al impacto de frentes y líneas de cortante/cizalladura. En estas sesiones especiales explorarmos modelos conceptuales sobre las características de frentes de superficie, líneas de cortante y técnicas de análisis de información de satélite y de modelos numéricos para la predicción del tiempo. PDF de presentación
Frentes y Líneas de Cortante / Cizalla en el Caribe (Parte 1) 2021-02-03 [Español] Durante el invierno del hemisferio norte ocurre la estación frecuentemente referida como la estación seca en la Cuenca del Caribe. Durante ésta, el enfoque de los pronosticadores meteorológicos cambia de ondas tropicales y ciclones al impacto de frentes y líneas de cortante/cizalladura. En estas sesiones especiales explorarmos modelos conceptuales sobre las características de frentes de superficie, líneas de cortante y técnicas de análisis de información de satélite y de modelos numéricos para la predicción del tiempo. PDF de presentación

2020 Recorded RFG Monthly Sessions

Date Description
2020-12-16 Overview: Climate indicators update (SST, ENSO, MJO, precipitation, winds) cyclone off the coast of Chile, severe weather in Paraguay, fronts in the Gulf of Mexico, total solar eclipse, GOES-17 imagery, and more! Presentation PDF
2020-11-25 Overview: Climate indicators update (SST, ENSO, MJO, precipitation, winds, TPW) severe weather in Argentina, front north of Hispaniola, discussion on the active Atlantic hurricane season, new maps in SLIDER, GOES-16 imagery, and more! Presentation PDF
2020-10-27 Overview: Climate indicators update (SST, ENSO, MJO, precipitation, winds) Tropical Storm Zeta, fires and snow in the United States, heavy rain in Brazil, GOES-16 imagery, and more! Presentation PDF
2020-09-16 Overview: Climate indicators update (SST, ENSO, MJO, precipitation, winds), fires and smoke in the western United States, Atlantic tropical cyclone activity, snow in southern Brazil, GOES-16 imagery, and more! Presentation PDF
2020-08-19 Overview: Climate indicators update (SST, ENSO, MJO, precipitation, winds), fires in Colorado, tropical systems, cold surge in South America, fog event in Argentina, near record temperature in Death Valley, and more! Presentation PDF
2020-07-29 Overview: Climate indicators update (SST, ENSO, MJO, precipitation, winds), ITCZ, impact of dust on tropical cyclone development, heavy snow in Patagonia, GLM lightning, and more! Presentation PDF
2020-06-17 Overview: Climate indicators update (SST, ENSO, MJO, precipitation, winds), ITCZ and tropical waves, heavy rainfall associated with the Central American Gyre and Tropical Storm Amanda/Cristobal, snow in Patagonia, and more! Presentation PDF
2020-05-20 Overview: Climate indicators update (SST, ENSO, MJO, precipitation, LPW), smoke in southern Mexico, 2020 Atlantic hurricane season prediction, monitoring the Saharan Air Layer with GOES-16 satellite imagery, RGBs, and more! Presentation PDF Dust Presentation PDF
2020-04-22 Overview: Climate indicators update (SST, ENSO, MJO, precipitation, LPW), extratropical cyclone off the coast of Chile, fires and smoke in Central America, GOES-16 imagery, and many questions! Presentation PDF
2020-03-11 Overview: Climate indicators update (SST, ENSO, MJO, precipitation, TPW), drought in southern Brazil, Saharan dust outbreak reaches Barbados, South Atlantic Convergence Zone, RGBs, and more!
2020-02-12 Overview: Climate indicators update (SST, ENSO, MJO, wind, precipitation), snow in Mexico, heavy rainfall in southeast Brazil, dryline in Patagonia, the Bolivian high, WPC International Desk forecast tools, RGBs, and more!
2020-01-22 Overview: Climate indicators update (SST, ENSO, MJO, precipitation, LPW), frontal system moving through the Caribbean, smoke plume from the Australia fires, eruption of the Popocatepetl Volcano and Taal Volcano, RGBs, and more!

2020 Recorded Special Topics

Title Date Description
Fronts and Shear Lines (Part 2) 2020-12-11 [English] During the northern hemisphere winter over the Caribbean basin, often referred to as the dry season, the focus of the meteorological forecaster shifts from the tropical waves/cyclones and their impact to frontal systems and shear lines. In this special session, we will explore conceptual models, the characteristic of surface fronts and shear lines, numerical weather model applications and satellite meteorology techniques you can apply for their analysis and forecast. Presentation PDF
Fronts and Shear Lines (Part 1) 2020-12-10 [English] During the northern hemisphere winter over the Caribbean basin, often referred to as the dry season, the focus of the meteorological forecaster shifts from the tropical waves/cyclones and their impact to frontal systems and shear lines. In this special session, we will explore conceptual models, the characteristic of surface fronts and shear lines, numerical weather model applications and satellite meteorology techniques you can apply for their analysis and forecast. Presentation PDF
Análisis y Pronostico de Fronteras Meso-Sinópticas en Sudamérica (Parte 3) 2020-09-10 [Español] Es importante para el analista y los pronosticadores el poder distinguir entre los diferentes sistemas de bajo nivel que pueden afectar las condiciones del tiempo en América del Sur. En la sesión especial del 13 agosto, exploramos modelos conceptuales y las características de losfrentes, vaguadas, y líneas de cortante (shear lines). En esta sesión adicional, finalizaremos lostemas de líneas de inestabilidad y la Zona de Convergencia del Atlántico Sur (SACZ). PDF de presentación
The Forecast Funnel: Streamlining the Thought Process and Objective Weather Forecasting Techniques 2020-08-27 [English] Newly certified meteorologists often lack the experience of more seasoned weather forecasters, and a methodology on how to analyze the atmosphere and forecast the weather is required. In this special training session, using the true and tried methodology of the Forecast Funnel, meteorological forecasters will learn the basics for analyzing the tridimensional structure of atmospheric features and learn objective weather forecasting techniques. This will help develop a work related methodology that would result in higher confidence and more consistent weather forecasts, while emphasizing objective vs. subjective analysis techniques. Presentation PDF Tropical Wave PDF
Análisis y Pronostico de Fronteras Meso-Sinópticas en Sudamérica Parte 1
Parte 2
2020-08-13 [Español] Es importante para el analista y los pronosticadores el poder distinguir entre losdiferentes sistemas de bajo nivel que pueden afectar las condiciones del tiempo en América del Sur. En esta sesión especial exploraremos modelos conceptuales y las características de los frentes, vaguadas, líneas de cortante (shear lines), líneas deinestabilidad y la Zona de Convergencia de América del Sur (SACZ). PDF de presentación
¿Ondas Tropicales o Vaguadas inducidas por una TUTT? (Parte 2: ejercicios prácticos) 2020-07-09 [Español] A medida que pasamos a la temporada de lluvia en la cuenca del Caribe y en el nortede Sudamérica, los meteorólogos le prestaran mucha atención al impacto quepuedan tener en las condiciones del tiempo las ondas del este/tropicales y lasvaguadas en la atmósfera superior, “Tropical Upper Tropospheric Trough (TUTT).” En esta sesión especial exploraremos modelos conceptuales de ambas, la aplicaciónde los modelos numéricos y técnicas de meteorología satelital para diferenciar entrelos diferentes sistemas. PDF de presentación
¿Ondas Tropicales o Vaguadas inducidas por una TUTT? (Parte 1: conceptos) 2020-07-08 [Español] A medida que pasamos a la temporada de lluvia en la cuenca del Caribe y en el nortede Sudamérica, los meteorólogos le prestaran mucha atención al impacto quepuedan tener en las condiciones del tiempo las ondas del este/tropicales y lasvaguadas en la atmósfera superior, “Tropical Upper Tropospheric Trough (TUTT).” En esta sesión especial exploraremos modelos conceptuales de ambas, la aplicaciónde los modelos numéricos y técnicas de meteorología satelital para diferenciar entrelos diferentes sistemas. PDF de presentación
Atlantic/Caribbean Basin Tropical Waves and TUTT Induced Inverted Troughs (Part 2: Practical Exercises) 2020-06-25 [English] As we transition to the rainy season across the Caribbean Basin and northern South America, meteorologists will pay particular attention to the impact easterly/tropical waves and Tropical Upper Tropospheric Troughs (TUTT) might have on local weather conditions. In this special session we will explore conceptual models, numerical weather applications and satellite meteorology techniques to differentiate between the two different atmospheric features. Presentation PDF
Atlantic/Caribbean Basin Tropical Waves and TUTT Induced Inverted Troughs (Part 1: Concepts) 2020-06-24 [English] As we transition to the rainy season across the Caribbean Basin and northern South America, meteorologists will pay particular attention to the impact easterly/tropical waves and Tropical Upper Tropospheric Troughs (TUTT) might have on local weather conditions. In this special session we will explore conceptual models, numerical weather applications and satellite meteorology techniques to differentiate between the two different atmospheric features. Presentation PDF
Nuevo grupo de herramientas de pronóstico desarrolladas por los Escritorios Internacionales de la NOAA 2020-05-06 [Español] Como parte de lamisión de mejorar las prácticas de pronóstico del tiempo en las Américas, los Escritorios Internacionales del WPC han desarrollado cinco herramientas diagnósticas adicionales usando el software Wingridds. Luego de evaluación rutinaria informal, la consideración de estas herramientas ha producido una mejora notable en la calidad de los pronósticos de los Escritorios, así como en los pronósticos de algunos de nuestros socios nacionales e internacionales. Estos algoritmos incluyen: (1) TWIN: Intensidad y elevación de la inversión termal de los alisios; (2) GR02T: Riesgo de convección severa y específicamente de granizo; (3) FRONT: Detección de frentes en superficie; (4) EGDI: Potencial de lluvias intensas y tipos de convección; (5) CAPI: Potencialde acumulaciones de precipitación en los Andes Centrales. Dadas las limitaciones de tiempo para tanta cantidad de material, cadapresentación será introductoria. Se cubrirán los conceptos básicos detrás de cada algoritmo, interpretación de los productos, métodos para considerar los productos para mejorar los pronósticos y acceso a productos a tiempo real programados usando salidas del modelo GFS. PDF de presentación
New set of forecasting tools developed by the WPC International Desks 2020-04-29 [English] As part of our mission of enhancing weather forecasting practices in the Americas, the WPC International Desks have developed five additional diagnostic tools using Wingridds software. After informal routine evaluation, consideration of these tools has produced noticeable positive impacts on the quality of the forecasts produced by the International Desks, and by those of our national and international partners. These diagnostic tools include: (1) TWIN: strength and elevation of the trade wind temperature inversion; (2) GR02T: risk for severe convection and specifically hail; (3) FRONT: detection of surface fronts; (4) EGDI: potential for heavy rainfall and thunderstorms; (5) CAPI: rainfall accumulation potential for the Central Andes. Given the time constraints for so much material, each presentation will be introductory and cover the basics behind each algorithm, output interpretation, methods to consider their output during forecasting and nowcasting practices, and access to operational loops using GFS model output. Presentation PDF

2019 Recorded Sessions

Date Description
2019-12-10 Overview: Climate indicators update (SST, ENSO, MJO, precipitation, TPW), strong winds in the Drake Passage, ITCZ over the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans, Day Cloud Phase Distinction RGB, and more. It was noted during the session that the Chilean C-130 Hercules plane went missing within the Drake Passage on the previous day. Our thoughts are with the families.
2019-11-19 Overview: Climate indicators update (SST, ENSO, MJO, precipitation, TPW), meteorological bomb, operational applications of GDI, fires in Australia, Air Mass RGB, Day/Night Band, and more!
2019-10-24 Overview: Climate indicators update (SST, ENSO, MJO, wind, precipitation), convection and lightning in the Caribbean, potential for hail, low-level circulation off the coast of Chile, GOES-16 RGBs, and more!
2019-09-18 Part 2: Presentation by Cap. Mauricio Laurizi with a current synoptic description of the Argentine Antarctic region, fires in the Amazon, GOES-16 imagery, and more!
2019-09-18 Part 1: Climate indicators update (SST, ENSO, MJO, wind, precipitation), tropical cyclone activity, new tool for hail forecasting, devastation in the Bahamas from Hurricane Dorian.
2019-07-18 Overview: Climate indicators update (SST, ENSO, MJO, precipitation), rare snow event in Peru, cold front in Brazil, RGBs highlighting snow in the Andes Mountains, Himawari-8 and GOES-17 perspectives of an SO2 plume, and more!
2019-06-27 Overview: Climate indicators update (SST, ENSO, MJO, wind, precipitation, TPW), briefing on the Caribbean including tropical waves, convection, strong winds, and dust; eruption of the Raikoke Volcano as seen by Himawari-8 and GOES-17, RGBs, and more!
2019-05-07 Overview: Climate indicators update (SST, precipitation, TPW, ENSO, MJO), dry spell in Colombia and Venezuela, rainfall event in Chile, strong winds in Brazil, GLM lightning, RGBs, and more!
2019-04-23 Overview: Climate indicators update (SST, precipitation, ENSO, MJO), heavy rainfall in Brazil, hail and funnel clouds in the Bahamas, LPW over South America, new WPC International Desks online product, GOES-16 imagery, and more!
2019-03-27 Overview: Climate indicators update (SST, TPW, rainfall, ENSO, MJO), ITCZ, strong winds across Panama and SST cooling, eruption of the Bezymianny Volcano seen in the Ash RGB and SO2 RGB, fire hotspots, and more!
2019-03-01 Special session with Dr. Louis W. Uccellini, Director of the U.S. National Weather Service and U.S. Permanent Representative with the WMO: celebrating 30 years of service for the International Training Desk program.
2019-02-13 Overview: Climate indicators update (SST, TPW, ENSO, MJO); Altiplano/Atacama Desert rain, comparison of GOES-16 and GOES-17 imagery, dust and smoke off the coast of Africa, fire hotspots, and more!
2019-01-16 Due to the partial shutdown of the U.S. Government, the format of this session is different. We discuss ways to access digital data, including an overview of GEONETCast-Americas by Diego Souza (INPE, Brazil) Presentation PDF and a presentation on Internet Data Distribution by Marcial Garbanzo (University of Costa Rica) Presentation PDF

2018 Recorded Sessions

Date Description
2018-12-12 Overview: Climate indicators update (MJO, SST, TPW, winds); cold fronts, developing El Nino, heavy rains in Ecuador, eruption of the Fuego Volcano, GOES-16 imagery, and more!
2018-11-15 Overview: Climate indicators update (MJO, SST, precipitation, winds and anomalies); cold fronts in Argentina, mountain waves, RELAMPAGO field campaign, GOES-16 imagery, and more!
2018-10-24 Overview: Climate indicators update (MJO and anomalies, SST, precipitation, TPW); low-level jet in Argentina, heavy rain event in Trinidad and Tobago, GOES-16 imagery, and more!
2018-09-26 Overview: Climate indicators update (MJO and anomalies, SST, precipitation, TPW); Tropical Storm Kirk and Hurricane Florence, discussion of a downslope wind event, fires in Argentina, GOES-16 imagery, and more!
2018-08-30 Sorry there is no audio for this session due to operator error. Topics covered include an update on climate indicators, tropical waves, GOES-16 imagery, and SSMI wind speed. To see the associated imagery, browse through the video.
2018-07-25 Overview: Climate indicators update (MJO and anomalies, SST, precipitation); severe/snow event in South America, What is the feature in the Dust RGB?, eruption of the Sierra Negra Volcano, GOES-16 imagery, and more!
2018-06-26 Overview: Climate indicators update (MJO and anomalies, SST, precipitation, TPW); Saharan Air Layer, severe weather across South America, eruption of the Fuego Volcano, GOES-16 imagery, and more!
2018-05-23 Overview: Climate indicators update (MJO and anomalies, SST, precipitation, TPW); lightning data from GOES-16 GLM; the start of hurricane season; analyzing a volcanic eruption in Vanuatu with GOES-16 imagery and RGBs, and more!
2018-04-25 Overview: Climate indicators update (MJO and anomalies, SST, precipitation, TPW); GOES-16 imagery, RGBs (Airmass, Dust, Day Cloud Phase Distinction), Day-Night Band on SNPP, and more!
2018-03-28 Overview: Climate indicators update (MJO and anomalies, SST, precipitation, TPW); waning La Niña pattern, dual ITCZ; upper level WV patterns; dust and/or something else hazy off the West coast of Africa, and more!
2018-02-21 Overview: Climate indicators update (MJO and anomalies, SST, precipitation, TPW); upper level WV patterns, changing SST pattern in the Eastern Pacific (neutral ENSO developing?); analyzing the potential for lightning with GOES-16 imagery and model output; a quick look at the Sinbung Volcano eruption in Indonesia with Himawari-8 and JPSS, and more!
2018-01-24 Overview: Climate indicators update (MJO and anomalies, SST, precipitation, TPW); upper level WV patterns, anomalous SST off the coast of Ecuador, Storms in Argentina, GOES-16 imagery and Day-Night Band on SNPP, and more!

2017 Recorded Sessions

Date Description
2017-12-07 Overview: Heavy rain predicted for the Western Caribbean and snow for Northern Mexico; an update on climate indicators for an El Niño pattern (TPW, SST, MJO and anomalies, precipitation); upper level WV patterns, review of Dust RGB in Argentina, what are these straight lines, GOES-16 on the move, and more!
2017-11-16 Overview: Climate indicators for an El Niño pattern (TPW, SST, MJO and anomalies, precipitation); upper level WV patterns, GOES-16 imagery, Dust RGB, rain streaks in IR in Argentina, and more!
2017-10-25 Overview: Climate indicators update (MJO and anomalies, SST, precipitation, TPW); upper level WV patterns, negatively tilted trough, GOES-16 imagery, cloud height product, Airmass RGB, and more!
2017-09-20 Overview: Climate indicators update (SST and anomalies, MJO); Hurricane Maria rapid intensification yesterday, landfall on Puerto Rico and forecasted path; eastern Caribbean update from Simon, GOES-16 imagery and more!
2017-08-17 Overview: Climate indicators update (SST and anomalies, MJO), other useful indices (TPW and GDI), GOES-16 imagery and the more of the new SLIDER viewer (Caribbean briefing; Is this dust, smoke, or sunglint?; volcanic ash) and more!
2017-07-12 Overview: GOES-16 imagery and the more of the new SLIDER viewer, SST, MJO, TPW, GDI, and many questions!
2017-06-22 Overview: GOES-16 imagery and the new SLIDER viewer, SST, MJO, TPW, GDI, and many questions!
2017-05-25 Overview: SST and anomalies, MJO velocity potential anomalies, large scale water vapor patterns, regional and local views with visible and infrared imagery. Highlights: Airmass RGB example with Himawari imagery AND Visible and near infrared GOES-16 imagery
2017-04-20 Highlights: First Part – SST and anomalies, MJO velocity potential anomalies, large scale water vapor patterns, Second Part – Visible and near infrared GOES-16 imagery viewing of surface and cloud features through the RAMMB slider, and a peak at the night Day/Night band on VIIRS with moonglint off the Coast of Chile.

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