Caribbean Weather Forecasting Initiative: WMO RA IV Virtual Satellite Applications Workshop: 5-8 December 2022

Workshop Information

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), along with the Caribbean Meteorological Organization (CMO) Headquarters Unit, the Caribbean Institute for Meteorology & Hydrology (CIMH), and the University of Leeds are organizing a virtual training workshop for participants from the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) North America and Caribbean Region IV. The virtual training, hosted by CIMH, will be December 5-8 , 2022. The Satellite Applications workshop will include an overview of GOES-R and JPSS satellite capabilities, how to access data to address forecasting challenges and improve data driven decision making to advance WMO and the AmeriGEO Societal Benefit Areas (Water, Disasters, Health, etc.). This is an English language only event with no simultaneous interpretation available.


Forecasters, researchers, and students are all encouraged to participate. Full time participants will interact through the webinar, respond to questions and submit homework. Space is limited to 100 attendees. Please note that if the number of people registered exceeds the capacity of the webinar, we may implement a selection process to ensure that all English Speaking Latin American and Caribbean countries are represented. A certificate will be provided to participants who complete the course successfully.

Registration is required. Because of the virtual nature of the training, there will be a pre-orientation training on Friday, December 2 to confirm participation and data access. There is no registration fee for the workshop. The deadline to register for the workshop is 28 November 2022.


It is strongly recommended that participants complete the following online modules in advance to prepare for the workshop:

Note it is required to register in COMET for some of the modules. There is no fee to take the modules. Only three modules are suggested.

Only the first four modules are suggested.

  • Introduction to Microwave Remote Sensing
  • Oxygen and Water Vapor Absorption Bands
  • Microwave Surface Emissivity
  • Influence of Clouds and Precipitation

Upon completion of the workshop, participants will have a working knowledge of the GOES-R Series and JPSS key instruments and develop competency in using the data and products for weather forecasting, prediction, monitoring and/or research. A certificate will be provided to participants who  complete the course successfully.

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