WMO VLab & NOAA Train the Trainers Workshop 2022

This workshop is offered on Saturday, August 6, 2022, with both in-person and remote participation, and will touch briefly on four themes: Continuing Professional Development, Blended Learning, Cross-Disciplinary Audiences, and building resilience to handle unusual and disaster situations. It is a large umbrella and we will approach it by laying the foundation for a data distribution exercise that will occur after the workshop during the following year. Resilience after confronting an unusual event often depends on being prepared and adaptable before the event.

The goals of the workshop are to:

  1. Identify available training planning resources
  2. Gather input on the training development plan for the data distribution exercise to occur after the workshop
  3. Open awareness to existing communities of practice

Participants are encouraged to provide input to the training development plan both during and after the workshop. The training session will be in English with informal opportunities for consecutive translation into Spanish and Portuguese.

<< AGENDA >>


Introduction, Objectives, Collaboration Guidance (Bernie Connell)

WMO and Other Trainer Resources (Bernie Connell)

Inspirar, Compartir, Colaborar, Cooperar en el marco del Campus Mundial de OMM (Marinés Campos)

The Regional Focus Group: Keeping in Touch with your Neighbors (José Gálvez)

Examples of Data and Training Distribution to Utilize under Normal and Unusual Circumstances (Diego Souza & Marcial Garbanzo)

How Can We Reduce the Impacts of Severe Weather (Kathy-Ann Caesar)

Discussion and Training Development Plan Activity

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