WMO High Profile Training Event (HPTE)
Executive Summary
The High Profile Training Event (HPTE) was a major milestone in the evolution of the WMO / CGMS Virtual Laboratory for Satellite Meteorology. It provided a unique education and training opportunity to WMO Members through the presentation of a series of interactive, online, presentations in the period 16 to 27 October 2006.
The HPTE provided training on different levels in this period:
- Four core interactive online lectures will be presented to WMO Members in each Region through the local WMO Centre of Excellence (Niger, Oman, Kenya, Barbados, Brazil, Costa Rica, China and Australia)
- At least one inter regional image and product discussion between WMO Members and the VL Partners in those regions.
To order Lectures A through D on CD or DVD, send an email to
hpte AT ssec.wisc.edu
On the subject line, put HPTE Lectures on CD/DVD
In the body of the email, please include 1) Your name, 2) the country you are from, 3) the organization you work for, 4) your mailing address and a phone number. If regular mail from the U.S.A would take longer than 1 week, please specify an address to receive express mail (and indicate this in the email message).
Lecture A: The WMO Space Programme
The objectives of this session are:
Part 1 – Update on:
- The Space Based component of the Global Observing System
- Global Access to Satellite Data and Products
- Global Access to Training in Satellite Meteorology
Part 2:
- Familiarization with current and future space based component of the Global Observing System.
- Review satellite orbits used for meteorological and environmental applications
- Explain the four critical resolutions for space based observing systems
- Show examples of different applications
- Provide a pathway for obtaining more information
- Background for the remainder of HPTE lectures
Part 3:
Training Session Options
- The interactive VISITview training session using Yahoo Messenger for voice. (To be used with the instructor leading the session ).
This teletraining session uses the VISITview software. To participate, you will require a computer with internet connection, a sound card, a microphone and speakers (or earphones). You will also need to have the freeware Yahoo messenger installed on your computer and have registered as a Yahoo messenger user. - Audio playback – This VISITview file contains recorded audio and annotations and can be taken at anytime. For detailed information on how to view the recorded session click here.
References/Additional Links
Virtual Laboratory for Satellite Training and Data Utilization (CIRA)
Talking Points
Talking points – these are included with both the teletraining and audio playback sessions. Click on the see URL button to view them.
Content Developed/Updated
Information Contact
Lecture B: Spectral Bands and Their Applications
The objectives of this session are:
- To understand the difference between visible, near infrared, and infrared radiation (channels).
- To understand the basic underlying principals behind channel selection and the factors that influence channel selection.
- To understand what information can be obtained using the various satellite channels available from operational and research satellites.
- To understand how to interpret data from various channels individually and in combination with other channels.
- To understand the difference between multi-spectral and hyper-spectral data.
Training Session Options
- The interactive VISITview training session using Yahoo Messenger for voice. (To be used with the instructor leading the session ).
This teletraining session uses the VISITview software. To participate, you will require a computer with internet connection, a sound card, a microphone and speakers (or earphones). You will also need to have the freeware Yahoo messenger installed on your computer and have registered as a Yahoo messenger user. - Audio playback – This VISITview file contains recorded audio and annotations and can be taken at anytime. For detailed information on how to view the recorded session click here.
References/Additional Links
Virtual Laboratory for Satellite Training and Data Utilization (CIRA)
Talking Points
Talking points – these are included with both the teletraining and audio playback sessions. Click on the see URL button to view them.
Content Developed/Updated
Information Contact
Lecture C: From Images to Products
This presentation will show how to create ‘products’ from satellite images. ‘Products’ in this sense are meteorological parameters of defined value and physical unit. The lecture is intended to address beginners in this field. ‘From images to products’ is demonstrated by two examples, namely the derivation of wind vectors and of a cloud mask. At the end, an outlook is given to more advanced product derivation as e.g. from sounding instruments.
Training Session Options
- The interactive VISITview training session using Yahoo Messenger for voice. (To be used with the instructor leading the session ).
This teletraining session uses the VISITview software. To participate, you will require a computer with internet connection, a sound card, a microphone and speakers (or earphones). You will also need to have the freeware Yahoo messenger installed on your computer and have registered as a Yahoo messenger user. - Audio playback – This VISITview file contains recorded audio and annotations and can be taken at anytime. For detailed information on how to view the recorded session click here.
References/Additional Links
EUMETSAT website
Space Science and Engineering Center at the University of Wisconsin
Envisat Product Handbooks
Talking Points
Talking points – these are included with both the teletraining and audio playback sessions. Click on the see URL button to view them.
Content Developed/Updated
Information Contact
Lecture D: The Development and Evolution of Deep Convection and Heavy Rainfall
- Understand conceptual models of convective development
- Recognize the intrinsic linking between vertical forcing and instability in convective development and evolution
- Recognize the inderlying importance of differential heating and vorticity generation in the development and evolution of convection
- Recognize the importance of surface heating and the various factors that influence it in the development of instability and the atmosphere’s ability to support convection
- Understand the importance of precipitation and storm outflow to the generating and sustaining convective development and evolution
- Recognize the underlying importance of boundary interaction in severs storm development and evolution.
- Understand the interaction between the storm and its environment as that interaction influences storm lifecycle
- Understand the role of vorticity on the local scale in tornado development
- Increase the forecasters skill in incorporating satellite data in nowcasting convection and severe convective weather
Training Session Options
- The interactive VISITview training session using Yahoo Messenger for voice. (To be used with the instructor leading the session ).
This teletraining session uses the VISITview software. To participate, you will require a computer with internet connection, a sound card, a microphone and speakers (or earphones). You will also need to have the freeware Yahoo messenger installed on your computer and have registered as a Yahoo messenger user. - Audio playback – This VISITview file contains recorded audio and annotations and can be taken at anytime. For detailed information on how to view the recorded session click here. Create a directory, then download the audio playback file (it is 148 MB in size) from the following site into that directory: ftp://rammftp.cira.colostate.edu/Connell/HPTE/English/LectD-V13-sound.zip After extracting the files into that directory click on the visitplay.bat file to start the lesson. Note: Be sure to have your speakers on and the volume loud enough to hear the presentation. Two separate windows will appear after starting the module. One of them is a playback control window, allowing you to change slides (they are changed automatically by default), click on slide 1 at the top to begin the presentation. (Sometimes the playback control window is hidden under the next window – the controls frame.) The other window is the controls frame, this is where you can click the See URL button whenever it is highlighted to bring up a separate browser that goes to the URL listed on the page.
References/Additional Links
Virtual Laboratory for Satellite Training and Data Utilization (CIRA)
Talking Points
Talking points – these are included with both the teletraining and audio playback sessions. Click on the see URL button to view them.
Content Developed/Updated