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Regional and Mesoscale Meteorology Branch

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Tropical Cyclones

The main objectives of RAMMB research on hurricanes and tropical cyclones are to improve our understanding through an observational approach, to develop and test satellite (and other) products for tropical cyclone analysis and forecasting, and evaluate numerical model output using satellite diagnostics and when such products/methods have demonstrated success, transition them to operational platforms and centers. In this research, we utilize a combination of satellite data and products, numerical model output, aircraft reconnaissance, and tropical cyclone data, and metrics derived from operational advisories and best tracks. We develop satellite products/methods that improve the diagnosis and forecasting of tropical cyclones, conduct research to improve our understanding of atmospheric and oceanic physical processes, and produce techniques and products that help forecasters do their job efficiently.

Caption: GOES-16 true color image on 8 September 2017 18 UTC with enhanced water vapor (6.3 µm) brightness temperatures transparently overplayed. Tropical cyclones shown (left to right starting off the west coast of Mexico) are Hurricanes Katia, Irma, and Jose.

We would like to thank our current sponsors NOAA, NASA, US Navy (ONR & Naval Research Laboratory, Monterey):


Page Contact

John Knaff

Kate Musgrave