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Research institutions along the Front Range of Colorado have a long, rich history of advancing tropical cyclone research and applications. Despite the proximity, researchers across these multiple Colorado institutions found that they often only interacted at professional meetings. To address this issue, researchers started an informal workshop back in January 2008 between students, postdoctoral fellows, research scientists, and faculty from
Over the years, this workshop has allowed Colorado researchers to present innovative ideas and receive feedback thanks to longer speaking slots than at most meetings and multiple breaks to spur discussion. Today, the workshop, now called Front Range Tropical Cyclone Workshop, continues this tradition, and convenes a one-day, annual meeting. Workshop hosting alternates between Colorado State University in Fort Collins and the National Center for Atmospheric Research in Boulder.
Presenter Name | Affiliation | Presentation Title |
Alexander Mitchell | U Albany | Atmospheric Dynamics Governing the Recurvature of Eastern North Pacific Tropical Cyclones |
Angelie Nieves Jiménez | CSU/ATS | Extreme Rainfall and Intensification Mechanisms in Hurricane Fiona (2022) |
Dave Schecter | NWRA | Two Types of Transitions to Relatively Fast Spinup in Tropical Cyclone Simulations with Weak to Moderate Environmental Vertical Wind Shear |
Galina Chirokova | CSU/CIRA | What can we learn about TCs from the microwave temperature retrievals? |
Guo Lin | NOAA/OAR/AOML | Uncrewed Aircraft Observations of Turbulent Characteristics in the Low-Level Eye and Eyewall of Intense Hurricane Ian (2022) |
Joesph Cione | NOAA/OAR/AOML | NOAA’s 2024 Plans to Use Emerging Technology In Tropical Cyclones |
John Knaff | NOAA/NESDIS/STAR | A simple model for predicting tropical cyclone minimum central pressure from intensity and size |
Kathy Haynes | CSU/CIRA | Synthetic Passive Microwave |
Lance Bosart | U Albany | Multiple “Flavors” of Tropical Cyclone Interactions with Middle Latitude Baroclinic Troughs Over the North Atlantic Ocean in September 2023 |
Michael Bell | CSU/ATS | In-situ Microphysical Observations of the Tropical Cyclone Mixed-Phase Region |
Taiga Tsukada | CSU/CIRA | Wind Distribution in the Eye of Tropical Cyclone Revealed by a Novel Atmospheric Motion Vector Derivation |
Presenter Name | Affiliation | Presentation Title |
Alex DesRosiers | CSU/ATS | Tropical Cyclone Surface Wind Reduction Using a Neural Network |
Ben Trabing | NCAR/UCAR | RMW Forecasting at NHC / Evaluation of HAFS |
Chris Rozoff | NCAR/UCAR | Large-eddy simulations of the tropical cyclone boundary layer at landfall in an idealized urban environment |
Chris Slocum | NOAA/NESDIS/STAR | Barotropic instability during eyewall replacement |
Galina Chirokova | CSU/CIRA | Estimating tropical and extratropical storm intensity and structure from JPSS microwave temperature retrievals – current and future products |
Joe Cione | NOAA/OAR/AOML | sUAS operations in hurricanes since 2022 |
John Knaff | NOAA/NESDIS/STAR | Using satellite derived motion winds to improve monitoring and forecasting of tropical cyclones |
Jonathan Vigh | NCAR/UCAR | FLIGHT-RT and VDM-RT: Real-time Data Streams of Flight-level Data |
Mark DeMaria | CSU/CIRA | Evaluation of tropical cyclone track and intensity forecasts in the FourCastNet weather prediction model |
Robert Nystrom | NCAR/UCAR | The intrinsic predictability of subseasonal TC activity |
Stefano Alessandrini | NCAR/UCAR | An overview about the analog ensemble applications to tropical cyclones |
Presenter Name | Affiliation | Presentation Title |
Alan Brammer | CSU/CIRA | On the Development of a Hybrid Statistical-Ensemble TC Genesis Probability Model |
Alex DesRosiers | CSU/ATS | The Relationship between Observed Tropical Cyclone Vortex Height, Intensity, and Intensification |
Andrea Schumacher | CSU/CIRA | A new database of mainland U.S. hurricane evacuation orders |
Ben Trabing | CSU/CIRA | Large-Scale Influences on Tropical Cyclone Lightning |
Chibueze Nnamdi Oguejiofor | NCAR/UCAR | Tropical Cyclone Rapid Intensification: Influence of multiscale anomalies in Sea Surface Temperature |
David Schecter | NWRA | Distinct Intensification Pathways for Tropical Cyclone-Like Vortices with Asymmetric Convection |
Ellie Casas | CSU/ATS | Differences in Intensification Rates Resulting from Variable Idealized TC Structure and Intensity |
Jonathan Vigh | NCAR/UCAR | An ensemble-based statistical model for the prediction of rapid intensification at extended lead-times in tropical cyclones |
Joseph Cione | NOAA/OAR/AOML | NEOTAC and/or TC sUAS operations |
Marie McGraw | CSU/CIRA | Machine Learning Forecasting of Tropical Cyclone Rapid Intensification |
Mark DeMaria | CSU/CIRA | Diagnosing Tropical Cyclone Vortex Depth from Storm Motion |
Tyler Barbero | CSU/ATS | PPVI diagnosis of track errors in the GFS, IFS and GFDL SHiELD models in the 2017 North Atlantic hurricane season |
Presenter Name | Affiliation | Presentation Title |
Ben Trabing | CSU/ATS | Understanding rapid intensity changes in official hurricane intensity forecast error distributions |
Chris Rozoff | NCAR/UCAR | Machine learning techniques for tropical cyclone rapid intensification prediction |
Chris Slocum | CIRA | Using a greenhouse parameter to understand moisture errors around tropical cyclones |
Christian Appendini | UNAM | Will Patricia like hurricanes become usual by the end of the century? |
David Schecter | NWRA | Tropical cyclone instability theory |
Falko Judt | NCAR/UCAR | Tropical cyclones in global convection-permitting NWP simulations |
Jen DeHart | CSU/ATS | Polarimetric radar observations of Harvey and Florence |
John Knaff | NOAA/NESDIS/STAR | Toward routine estimation of the radius of maximum wind – the last piece of the structure puzzle |
Jonathan Martinez | CSU/ATS | Exploring the combined effects of initial vortex size and environmental humidity on tropical cyclone size evolution |
Jonathan Vigh | NCAR/UCAR | Overview of research developments in tropical cyclone intensity change: Internal influences (2014–2018) |
Kate Musgrave | CIRA | Exploring SPICE model errors |
Louis Rivoire | CSU/ATS | Temperature tendencies in the UTLS above tropical cyclones |
Mike Fiorino | CIRES | TC forecast metrics – real v fake track error |
Ya-Chien Feng | CSU/ATS | Microphysical structure of Hurricane Harvey’s (2017) asymmetric eyewall |
Presenter Name | Affiliation | Presentation Title |
Chelsea Nam | CSU/ATS | Multi-Scale Shear Impacts During the Genesis of Typhoon Hagupit (2008) |
Chris Davis | NCAR/UCAR | Resolving Tropical Cyclone Intensity in Models |
Chris Rozoff | NCAR/UCAR | Probabilistic Prediction of Tropical Cyclones with an Analog Ensemble |
Chris Slocum | CIRA | Some dynamical aspects of eyewall interaction |
Ellie Delap | CSU/ATS | A Simplified Approach to Understanding Boundary Layer Structure Impacts on Tropical Cyclone Intensity |
Falko Judt | NCAR/UCAR | The Extreme Intensification and Predictability of 2015’s Hurricane Patricia |
George Bryan | NCAR/UCAR | Unique observations in Hurricane Maria from the Coyote UAS |
John Knaff | NOAA/NESDIS/STAR | 10-year GOES climatology of cold lows, the TC antithesis |
John Persing | NPS | Boundary-layer Spin-up Mechanisms Investigated with Sawyer-Eliassen Balanced Model |
Jonathan Vigh | NCAR/UCAR | Exploring the Upper Bound of Tropical Cyclone Intensification |
Kate Musgrave | CIRA | Preliminary examination of H-GPROF in tropical cyclones |
Mike Fiorino | CIRES | Preliminary examination of H-GPROF in tropical cyclones |
Naufal Razin | CSU/ATS | The Unconventional Eyewall Replacement Cycle of Hurricane Ophelia (2005) |
Rosimar Rios-Berrios | NCAR/UCAR | A Hypothesis for the Intensification of Tropical Cyclones under Moderate Vertical Wind Shear |
Ting-Yu Cha | CSU/ATS | A Hypothesis for the Intensification of Tropical Cyclones under Moderate Vertical Wind Shear |
Presenter Name | Affiliation | Presentation Title |
Bonnie Brown | Univ. Hawaii | Modifications to a Partially Double Moment Microphysics Parameterization for Hurricane Simulations |
Chris Davis | NCAR/UCAR | Diverging Paths: ECMWF and GFS TC Forecasts |
Chris Slocum | CSU/ATS | A Simplified Model for Tropical Cyclone Intensification |
Evan Kalina | CIRES | Power Spectra and Eddy Dissipation Rate Measured by the Coyote Unmanned Aircraft System in Hurricane Edouard (2014) |
Falko Judt | NCAR/UCAR | Predictability and Dynamics of Tropical Cyclone Rapid Intensification |
John Knaff | NOAA/NESDIS/STAR | Synthetic Hurricane Wind Fields Based on Modeled Winds and Infrared Imagery: Method, Results, and Potential Applications |
John Persing | NPS | Hurricanes in Periodic Domains |
Jonathan Martinez | CSU/ATS | Potential Vorticity Structure of Hurricane Patricia During Rapid Intensification |
Jonathan Vigh | NCAR/UCAR | The Tropical Cyclone Observations-Based Structure Database (TC-OBS) |
Mel Nicholls | CIRES | A Numerical Modeling Investigation of Several Physical Processes that Appear to be Important for Tropical Cyclogenesis |
Michael Bell | CSU | Retrieved Thermodynamic Structure of Hurricane Rita (2005) using RAINEX Observations |
Mike Fiorino | NOAA/OAR/ESRL | An Alternative Metric of TC ‘Forecast Error’ |
Ren Smith | CU-Boulder | On the Formation and Evolution of Small Scale Low Level Vorticity Anomalies During Tropical Cyclogenesis |
Stephanie Pilkington | CSU/CE | Hurricane Impact Level Ranking System Model |
Stephen Herbener | CSU/ATS | Tropical Storm Redistribution of Saharan Dust to the Upper Troposphere and Ocean Surface |
Presenter Name | Affiliation | Presentation Title |
Ben Trabing | OU | Analysis of Hurricanes Using Long-Range Lightning Detection Networks |
Chris Slocum | CSU/ATS | Can comparisons of precipitable water from models and satellite provide guidance on guidance? |
Cindy Bruyere | NCAR/UCAR | Idealized Tropical Storms on Planet Oz |
Colin Zarzycki | NCAR/UCAR | Do tropical cyclone cold wakes impact storm climatology in a high-resolution global model? |
Daniel Stern | NCAR/UCAR | The Structure and Dynamics of Coherent Vortices in the Eyewall Boundary Layer of Tropical Cyclones |
Galina Chirokova | CIRA | Quality of ATMS-MIRS retrievals for Atlantic Tropical Cyclones |
John Knaff | NOAA/NESDIS/STAR | Using Routinely Available Information to Estimate Tropical Cyclone Wind Structure |
John Persing | NPS | The Sensitivity of Intensification to WISHE Feedback |
Josh Watts | NCAR/UCAR | Social science & tropical cyclones |
Justin Baldizón Stark | CSU/CMMAP | Examining intensity trends during extratropical transition |
Kate Musgrave | CIRA | Verification of HWRF synthetic satellite brightness temperatures |
Michael Natoli | UMD | Predicting Tropical Cyclogenesis Using Model Diagnostics of Operationally Analyzed Tropical Disturbance |
Tom Galarneau | NCAR/UCAR | Aggregation of Parameterized Convection in Idealized Simulations |
Presenter Name | Affiliation | Presentation Title |
Andrea Schumacher | CIRA | Evaluating subjective uncertainty estimates in NHC forecast discussions |
Chris Davis | NCAR/UCAR | Reconciling different perspectives of tropical cyclone genesis |
Chris Slocum | CSU/ATS | Revisiting the slab boundary layer model for tropical cyclones |
Dan Stern | NCAR/UCAR | Revisiting the relationship between eyewall contraction and intensification |
George Bryan | NCAR/UCAR | Methods to calculate vertical diffusion in numerical models and their effect on hurricane structure |
John Knaff | NOAA/NESDIS/STAR | An argument for gale force wind forecasts beyond 72 hours for tropical cyclones |
Jonathan Poterjoy | NCAR/UCAR | A comparison of four-dimensional data assimilation methods with and without a tangent linear model for predicting the genesis of Hurricane Karl (2010) |
Kate Musgrave | CIRA | Evaluation of HWRF for the 2014 Atlantic hurricane season |
Mike Fiorino | NOAA/OAR/ESRL | GFS (and FIM) spuricane activity in the Gulf of Mosquitoes during the 2014 season |
Tom Calarneau | NCAR/UCAR | Climatology of vertical wind shear near tropical disturbances |
Presenter Name | Affiliation | Presentation Title |
Alick Haruhiru | NCAR/UCAR | Examining the use of tropical cyclone genesis in present and future climate for the South Pacific basin |
Chris Davis | NCAR/UCAR | The Inner Pouch |
Chris Slocum | CSU/ATS | Tropical cyclone boundary layer shocks |
Daniel Stern | NCAR/UCAR | The Structure and Dynamics of Coherent Vortices in the Eyewall Boundary Layer of Tropical Cyclones |
Galina Chirokova | CIRA | RII estimates with ATMS profiles |
Ghassan Alaka | CSU/ATS | Intraseasonal Variability of African Easterly Waves |
Greg Holland | NCAR/UCAR | Response of Australian Temperature Extremes to Climate Variability and Change |
John Knaff | NOAA/NESDIS/STAR | Accounting for Variations in TC Size |
Jonathan Vigh | NCAR/UCAR | Steps Toward an Improved Database for Tropical Cyclone Wind Modeling |
Kate Musgrave | CIRA | Verification of HWRF synthetic satellite brightness temperatures |
Mark DeMaria | NOAA/NESDIS/STAR | Application of the Computer Vision Hough Transform for Automated Tropical Cyclone Center-Fixing from Satellite Data |
Mike Fiorino | NOAA/OAR/ESRL | Intensity v Forecast (track) Error – how/are they related? |
Thomas Galarneau | NCAR/UCAR | Analysis of Hurricane Rita (2005) Track Forecasts using Ensemble Reforecast Data |
Presenter Name | Affiliation | Presentation Title |
Chris Slocum | CSU/ATS | Interpretation of hurricane concentric eyewalls as boundary layer shock-like structures |
Daniel Stern | NCAR/UCAR | How does the eye Warm?: A potential temperature and trajectory analysis of idealized tropical cyclones |
Galina Chirokova | CIRA | Tropical Cyclones thermodynamic analysis using satellite microwave soundings |
Gus Alaka | CSU/ATS | Intraseasonal variability of AEWs |
John Knaff | NOAA/NESDIS/STAR | Statistically estimating tropical cyclone surface winds from 2-dimensional satellite imagery |
Jonathan Vigh | NCAR/UCAR | Development of an HWRF diagnostics module to evaluate intensity and structure using synthetic flight paths through tropical cyclones |
Kate Musgrave | CIRA | |
Kimberly Mueller | RMS | Hurricane and storm surge modeling at Risk Management Systems (RMS) |
Man Zhang | CIRA | Assimilation of all-sky satellite radiances in TC core area using an ensemble-based data assimilation method |
Mark DeMaria | NOAA/NESDIS/STAR | A simple ocean cooling parameterization for the SHIPS model |
Steve Herbener | CSU/ATS | Aerosol indirect effects on idealized tropical cyclone dynamics |
Steve Saleeby | CSU/ATS | Influence of Saharan dust on the microphysical structure of deep tropical convectionInfluence of Saharan dust on the microphysical structure of deep tropical convection |
Yumin Moon | NCAR/UCAR | Inner rainbands and vortex-Rossby waves in numerical simulations of tropical cyclones |
Presenter Name | Affiliation | Presentation Title |
Andrea Schmacher | CIRA | Socioeconomic Applications of Monte Carlo Wind Speed Probabilities |
Chris Davis | NCAR/UCAR | Microwave Temperature Profiler Observations in Tropical Waves |
Greg Holland | NCAR/UCAR | What if We Could Play God with Regional Climate? |
Gus Alaka | CSU/ATS | Intraseasonal Variability of Upstream AEW Initiation |
James Done | NCAR/UCAR | Tropical Cyclone Rainfall Modeling |
John Knaff | NOAA/NESDIS/STAR | TC Size Matters |
Jonathan Vigh | NCAR/UCAR | Large-scale diagnostics work with the basin-scale HWRF |
Julie Demuth | NCAR/UCAR | Creating and Communicating Hurricane Risk Information |
Kate Musgrave | CIRA | Global Ensemble TC Diagnostics |
Man Zhang | CIRA | Efficient methods to assimilate cloud-affected satellite radiances |
Mark DeMaria | NOAA/NESDIS/STAR | Vertical Shear Modification of Maximum Potential Intensity Estimates |
Mike Fiorino | NOAA/OAR/ESRL | TC genesis and demographics |
Stephanie Slade | CSU/ATS | An intraseasonal model for the prediction of Atlantic and East Pacific Tropical Cyclone Genesis |
Thomas Galarneau | NCAR/UCAR | Inter-Annual Variability of African Easterly Waves in the NCAR Nested Regional Climate Model |
Presenter Name | Affiliation | Presentation Title |
Andrea Schumacher | CIRA | Another Look at the Use of Maximum Potential Intensity of Tropical Cyclones |
Brian Tang | NCAR/UCAR | A long-term, global tropical disturbance database |
Chris Davis | NCAR/UCAR | Temperature Anomalies in Tropical Disturbances |
Dara Schönemann | Univ. Hamburg | Techniques to maintain the steady-state of TCs in axisymmetric high-resolution models |
Gabriel Williams | CSU/ATS | Instability of Vorticity Rings with Vertical Shear |
John Knaff | NOAA/NESDIS/STAR | Typical Upper Oceanic Energy Response to Tropical Cyclone Passage |
Jonathan Vigh | NCAR/UCAR | How Often Does Eye Formation Coincide with Rapid Intensification? |
Kate Musgrave | CSU/ATS | Time Evolution of the Size and Intensity of Tropical Cyclones or Atlantic TC Eye Estimates from Aircraft Reconnaissance |
Man Zhang | CIRA | Radiance data assimilation in TC inner core |
Mark DeMaria | NOAA/NESDIS/STAR | Analysis of Tropical Cyclone Steering Levels |
Mike Fiorino | NOAA/OAR/ESRL | TCgen2 — applications of a multi-deterministic global model ensemble to a specific NHC genesis forecast problem — probability of formation in 48 and 120 h |
Thomas Galarneau | NCAR/UCAR | Diagnosing Tropical Cyclone Motion Errors in AHW |
Chris Slocum