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Regional and Mesoscale Meteorology Branch

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US Navy

The work with the U.S. Navy builds upon a highly productive 10+ year research program that exists between NRL, Monterey, CA and CIRA, as evidenced by numerous peer-reviewed publications spanning myriad examples of tropical cyclone research and applications, and leading to novel tools and techniques for advanced situational awareness. These are, if successful, often transitioned to operations at DoD’s Joint Typhoon Warning Center via the Automated Tropical Cyclone Forecasting system used by its forecasters.

Our current project is entitled Tools for tropical cyclone analysis and forecasting. This research envisions a close connection between NRL Monterey and CSU/CIRA, potentially including exchanges of visiting scientists, student involvement, other-agency program research conducted at CIRA, and significant infrastructure enabling these activities, effectively multiplying the U.S. Navy’s investment. The anticipated outcomes of this research are new capabilities that maintain NRL Monterey on the cutting edge for in-theater operations with particular emphasis on tropical cyclones.

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