Fuego Volcano, Guatemala
3-4 June 2018 | Ash RGB, SO2 RGB, Air Mass RGB, Day Cloud Phase Distinction RGB & Nighttime Microphysics RGB | Loop: GeoColor | | pdf: SO2 and AI Retrievals |
Sierra Negra Volcano, Ecuador
26-27 June 2018 | Ch 8-15 | Ash RGB, SO2 RGB, Air Mass RGB | Loop: High Resolution Visible (0.64 μm, Band 2) | pdf: SO2 Retrievals |
Aoba (Ambae) Volcano, Vanuatu
26 July 2018 | Ch 8-15 | Ash RGB, SO2 RGB, Air Mass RGB | True Color RGB, Natural Color RGB | pdf: SO2 and Ash Retrievals |
Raikoke Volcano, Russia
21-22 June 2019 | Ash RGB, SO2 RGB, Air Mass RGB | SO2 RGB (G17, 21 July – 1 August 2019) | SO2 RGB (H8, 27 July – 2 August 2019) | pdf: SO2 Retrievals |
La Soufrière Volcano, St. Vincent
9-12 April 2021
Pre-eruption: 9 Apr 0000-1230UTC Proxy Visible 3.9um (Ch 07) Night Microphysics RGB & Day Cloud Phase Distinction RGB
| GeoColor, Ash RGB, SO2 RGB 9 Apr 12UTC – 10 Apr 08UTC Hourly Every 10 minutes | GeoColor, Ash RGB, SO2 RGB 10 Apr 09UTC – 12 Apr 05UTC Hourly Every 12 minutes | Ash, SO2, Air Mass RGBs plus components 10 Apr 16UTC – 18UTC Every 10 minutes | VOLCAT Loops: Every 10 minutes, 9 Apr 1230UTC – 10 Apr 0850UTC Every 10 minutes, 10 Apr 0900UTC – 12 Apr 0549UTC pdf: SO2 Retrievals |
Ubinas Volcano, Peru
19 July 2019 | Ch 1-16 | GeoColor, IR, Ash RGB, SO2 RGB | SO2 RGB, Day Cloud Phase Distinction RGB, GLM (Lightning) | VOLCATpdf: SO2, Ash, and AI Retrievals |
Ubinas and Sabancaya Volcanoes, Peru
24 July 2019 | GeoColor/GLM (Lightning), Ch 8, Ch 15, Ash RGB, SO2 RGB, Dust RGB | | | |
Ulawun Volcano, Papua New Guinea
16 June 2019 | GeoColor, IR, Ash RGB, SO2 RGB | | | pdf:
SO2 Retrievals
Ulawun Volcano, Papua New Guinea
3-4 August 2019 | GeoColor, IR, Ash RGB, SO2 RGB | | | pdf: SO2 Retrievals |
Snow in Peru
18 July 2019 | Day Snow-Fog RGB, Day Cloud Phase Distinction RGB, GeoColor | | | |
Fires in Brazil
13 August 2019 | GeoColor, Fire Temperature RGB, Natural Color-Fire RGB, Shortwave Albedo | 224 AVIRIS Channels | | |
Cold Front in South America
1-5 August 2019 | Dust RGB, GeoColor, Ch 8, Ch 15 | | | |
20 November 2021 | GeoColor, Day Snow-Fog RGB, Day Cloud Phase Distinction RGB, Natural Color Fire RGB, Ch 7, Ch 13 + GLM, ASH RGB, SO2 RGB | | | |
Cold Airmass (not SO2) 30 January 2019 | Airmass RGB, SO2 RGB, Split Water Vapor | | | |
Cold Airmass (not SO2) Affecting North America 17-22 January 2025 | Airmass RGB, SO2 RGB, Day Land Cloud RGB, Ch 7 | | | |