VISIT Satellite Chat Webinars

These interactive discussions are intended to:

  1. be brief, target length of 30 minutes.
  2. demonstrate satellite products that can be applied to operational forecasting.
  3. exchange ideas across both operational and academic sides.
  4. identify new training topics based on specific participant needs. incorporate seasonal examples that are timely, and use real-time data (where applicable).

Below you’ll find a list of VISIT Satellite Chat recordings from the past, listed in reverse chronological order. Be sure to have your speakers on and the volume loud enough to hear the presentation. To sort them by a different column, click the column heading at the top to reorder them.

Title Date
Alaska seminar on the ALPW product 2018-10-10
GOES-16 convective RGB 2017-04-14
GOES-16 examples and March 14 Blizzard LPW 2017-03-24
GOES-16 applications of 6 March 2017 event 2017-03-11
Start of GOES-16 imagery on AWIPS 2017-03-02
Blended and Layered PW cases of winter 2016-2017 2017-02-17
GOES-16 First Light imagery 2017-02-09
Oregon tornadoes of 14 October 2016 2016-12-20
Lake-effect snow of 20-21 November 2016 2016-12-15
Hurricane Matthew 2016-10-05
Fort McMurray fires 2016-05-18
February 2016 Hurricane-Force Events: OPC perspective on GOES-14 SRSOR 2016-04-27
AWIPS Lightning Display Issues 2016-03-30
1-minute imagery fire apps for cell phone by Todd Lindley 2016-03-04
1-minute imagery of fires in the Southern Plains 2016-02-24
Recap of Mid-Atlantic Blizzard by Rich Grumm 2016-01-27
Introduction to VIIRS DNB NCC imagery 2015-12-18
African Easterly Wave Identification by satellite imagery 2015-11-23
3-4 October 2015 flood event over South Carolina 2015-10-07
GOES-14 SRSOR 1-minute imagery information 2015-08-12
Dolores impacts in the San Diego area 2015-07-22
Recent GOES SRSOR 1-minute imagery events 2015-06-24
GOES-14 SRSOR 1-minute imagery information 2015-05-21
16 April 2015 western trough 2015-04-16
25 March 2015 Severe Weather Event 2015-04-02
West Texas Total Lightning Mapping Array by Jason Jordan 2015-02-11
Northeast Winter Storm and heavy snow over Amarillo 2015-01-27
Northeast Winter Storm and heavy snow over Amarillo
Cold air aloft product and synthetic imagery over Alaska 2014-12-17
Recent western Atmospheric River and Fog events
Lake-effect snow event from Lake Erie 2014-11-19
Tracking moisture sources associated with TC’s. Supertyphoon Vongfong VIIRS imagery 2014-10-15
Supertyphoon Vongfong: Discussion of VIIRS imagery applications by John Knaff
TC Rapid Intensification discussion by Mark DeMaria 2014-08-16
ENTLN data for Revere, MA tornado event 28 July 2014 2014-08-15
ENTLN data for Revere, MA tornado event 28 July 2014 2014-08-14
Severe Storms / smoke and dust 2014-07-16
Severe Storms / smoke and dust
Satellite imagery and products for recent severe weather events 2014-06-18
SRSOR examples on blog sites 2014-05-21
SRSOR examples on blog sites
Air Quality Forecasting Products (presented by Brad Pierce) 2014-04-16
GOES-R products for the HWT spring experiment 2014 2014-03-19
GOES-R products for the HWT spring experiment 2014
Blowing dust / Great Lakes ice coverage 2014-02-12
Lake-effect snow / western drought / fog 2014-01-15
Lake-effect snow / western drought / fog
Lake-effect snow / orographic cirrus 2013-12-18
Super typhoon Haiyan / 17 November severe weather event 2013-11-20
South Dakota blizzard / northeast severe weather 2013-10-23
South Dakota blizzard / northeast severe weather
Flooding / Tropical Briefing 2013-09-18
Flooding in Colorado / New Mexico
SAL Dust / Idaho Fires 2013-08-14
TPW / eTRaP / Fires 2013-07-10
Convective Downbursts / SRSO imagery 2013-06-19
Convective Downbursts / Stray Light issues 2013-05-15
Severe weather in southern plains 2013-04-17
Severe weather in southern plains
Synthetic NAM-Nest / Moisture return / Snow cover RGB 2013-03-27
New England snowstorm / TPW / Dust detection 2013-02-13
New England snowstorm / TPW / Dust detection
Downbursts / Fog 2013-01-16
West coast heavy rain / GOES-R FLS product 2012-12-12
West coast heavy rain / GOES-R FLS product
Hurricane Sandy 2012-11-14
Hurricane Sandy
GOES-13 status / fog 2012-10-17
GOES-13 status / fog
Satellite views of severe and tropical weather 2012-09-12
Monsoon pattern / derecho 2012-08-01
Mesoscale Convective Vortices 2012-06-27
Fire Weather Imagery and Products 2012-05-23
Satellite Related Severe Weather Products 2012-04-25
Water Vapor Imagery 2012-03-21
Fog and Low Cloud Detection from Satellite 2012-02-22

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